Remember that Congressional candidate from Colorado who sprayed himself in the face with Mace as a campaign ad?

He was on Tucker Carlson on Friday.

This guy is an idiot.

He makes on good point, that the far left had this fantasy in their heads that banning the sale of new assault weapons will prevent school shootings.

Then it goes down hill.

No one on the far right, or the right in general, or anybody with a modicum of knowledge about school shooters thinks that school shooters are professional commandos.

We know it is precisely the opposite.  Their “training” amounts to playing first person shooters.  Most school shooters kill themselves as soon as they are engaged with lethal force.

That is the point.  The person responding to the shooter doesn’t need too be a trained commando either.  Just fire in the shooter direction with the best intention of hitting him and that, statistically speaking, will be enough to end the fight.

This guy then goes into the “arming teachers” means forcing teachers who don’t want to have guns to have guns.  I’ve beat this horse to death but, no it doesn’t mean that.  What I will add here is that I fundamentally believe that any teacher who would show up at a protest with a sign protesting against arming teachers wouldn’t use Mace either.

His tactical knowledge is terrible.  “The average distance of a school shooting is eight feet.”  Sure, when the shooter is in a classroom and has his victims cornered.

For anybody approaching a school shooter, a responder, someone running towards the danger, the distance to approach could be a hall way, auditorium, library, or large classroom.  A lot more than eight feet.  The range of the weapon of the responder should not be less (for all practical purposes) than that of the shooter.

If the shooter can hit you from one side of a 50 foot classroom, you should be able to hit him at that same distance.

Lastly, if a school shooter is someone who wants to cause maximum carnage, what will pepper spray do?  Nothing.  It may blind a shooter, who will then… probably fire blindly in the direction he was facing.  To end the fight you must incapacitate the shooter.  That means ending CNS function, either by destroying the major components of the CNS or depriving the CNS of oxygen by eliminating its blood supply.  A mucous membrane irritant is not up to the challenge.

This guy keeps trying so say he wants to have a serious conversation with Tucker but he himself is not serious.  He is totally bereft of facts about school shootings, the behaviors of active shooters, tactics, the effectiveness of less than lethal weapons.

This guy lives in his own fantasy land where a teacher will pepper spray a school shooter at point blank range who will then give up once he can’t see and will fall down rubbing his eyes until police get there.

This isn’t security, this is security theater of the worst kind.

This dude is an idiot.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “This guy is an idiot”
  1. Once again, the anti-gunners with a room temperature IQ (I know, that doesn’t narrow it down much) are okay with fighting back as long as you do it with “X” but not a gun. As long as “X” is some value of “probably less likely to be lethal, and involves the intended victims being much closer (like bad breath distance) to their attacker.”

    Throw rocks, okay. “Throw” small bullets of copper jacketed lead at a much higher velocity, not okay.
    Use fists and feet, okay. Use hollowpoints, not okay.
    Use baseball bats, sticks and/or other impromptu melee weapons, okay. Use modern ballistics applied at high speed, not okay.
    Use chemicals to temporarily blind or disarm, okay. Use a chemical reaction to propel small projectiles at supersonic speeds, not okay.

    So, fighting back is okay, sort of. As long as you are limited in your defensive capability to the point of ineffectiveness. Then it’s all good.

  2. You are once again correct. First responder Defense does not require an Army Ranger. It requires…ARMs… and the basic knowledge of safe gun handling and operation. As for tactical preparation- use any available cover and concealment.

    These tasks are well within the skill set of someone who has passed, for example, the Texas License to Carry course and practices every month or so.

  3. But his idea takes those evil guns out of the equation….which we all know libs cant stand those evil guns.. America will one day wake up and stop giving assholes airtime.

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