Stole the whole thing from Aesop:
Don’t post the details. Don’t even answer “yes” or “no” in comments. It will never see the light of day here. I don’t want to know, and Big Brother doesn’t need the intel. Capice?
Weapon? Basic load? Body armor (for any value between T-shirt and Level IV hardplates, with helmet. And gas mask.)? Sustainment supplies? For up to 72 hours? Eye and ear pro? At any point beyond “P” in your comms PACE plans? Boots (broken in!)? Clothes appropriate for the weather, including the next few days? Car Keys (with a full tank, and ready to rock!)? Go-To-War Jump Bag?What if your neighbor called you?
A relative?
A relative some distance away?
Spouse or kids, not at the homestead?
What about with one minute’s notice?
Don’t lie to me, and don’t even try to b.s. yourself. How would you fare, with yourself as the grader for this exercise, supervised by the sweep second hand of your watch?
Could you, really and truly, hit the Batpole, and come out at the bottom ready to face the forces of evil?
Ponder the above. Hard.
The pre-Revolutionary militia standard was ready to mount or march, 60 seconds, with musket, powder and shot, water, one day’s ration, bayonet, and hatchet. In 60 seconds, at your front door, or beside your saddle mount.
It’s still a damned good standard.
And BTW, while you’re thinking: Just exactly how long do you think you have to get this together, without looking like a soup sandwich, before this isn’t a thought exercise, or just a drill?
As a rule, when TSHTF, it doesn’t make a reservation.
And since I agree with the initial sentiment, comments are disable for this post.