From Shaun King, aka TalcumX:

Yeah, go ahead and do that.

Go into churches across the Deep South and Mid West and start engaging en actual, factual iconoclasm.

I dare you.  I actually dare you.

Go to a church in Texas and smash a stained glass window depicting Jesus and the Madonna.

Officer Alex Murphy was shot fewer times than you’ll be.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “This is not going to go over well in a lot of the South and Mid West”
  1. Uhhh…..
    The overwhelming majority of people in Egypt, well across most of Africa for that matter, are white. A very small strip (comparatively) of land is the historical land for blacks.

    If anything, Jesus would be tan, perhaps “olive skinned”, but certainly not black.

  2. Do you anticipate some sort of tipping point for this lunacy and if so what do you think it will be?

  3. LOL.. Yeah, I can imagine BLM idiots trying to bring down the statues of Mary and Joseph at any catholic church in South Florida. He will get a full and fast class on the Inquisition.

  4. Talcum-X is all talk and no class. I’d love to see him try himself instead of sending his minions, but nah. As usual, he’ll just hide under the skirts of his groupies.

  5. I just lump ALL Leftists into the unGodly, unrepentant, unsaved class. I will tell them of the free gift of salvation, but I am pragmatic enough to know they love their sins and they face damnation. Shaun King is among them.

    They hate God. Therefore they believe their evil and incoherent SJW nonsense.

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