See, the problem isn’t that the unionized municipal trash collectors are woefully inefficient despite a salary of $88,616 after 5 years on the job.

The problem is that the city has too much free parking for the people who live and work in the city, despite a massive parking shortage, and that free parking for the people who drive the economy of the city should be taken away to make room for more trash.

When do we finally seal off NYC like they did in Escape from New York?

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “This is NYC”
  1. When was that picture taken? It wasn’t this week.

    I just heard about the many, many inches of snow that NYC had in the last 24 hours, that piled up on the huge number of inches of snow those poor innocent Gothamites had earlier in the week.

    I am also thinking a couple gallons of gasoline might take care of the problem on that block. It might also get the attention of city government. I have learned from my betters this year. If nothing else works, go antifa on the problem. Blame the lack of services and the neglect and need for cleansing fire on systemic racism against the residents and businesses on the block.

  2. Once again, the Libs/Statists look at the GIANT MOUNTAIN OF TRASH and say that too much parking space is the problem. I haven’t been up on NYC news, but why do they even have mountains of refuse lining the streets?

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