West Virginia Citizens Defense League President, Keith Morgan basically shreds Talking Head Keith Morgan on Gun Control.
Take pointers from this interview.

You can be destructively polite. Clue: Whenever they say “I want to get back to..” means they know they got hammered bad in the point they were just making and they are in full retreat… keep pushing. Don’t let a lie go unchallenged.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

20 thoughts on “This is what it looks when an idiot get run over by logic.”
  1. I can’t see embedded video, but if this was the interview on The State Journal’s Decision Makers it was a great interview. Bray kept asserting that the police have a duty to protect the citizens and that’s why they should be armed, but fails to recognize that it’s the citizen that usually comes into contact with the criminal before the police.

    Bray brought up the ‘nuclear option’ as if the United States would nuke itself. This is such a ridiculous claim. If there truly was a nuclear option, we would have used in Afghanistan.

    1. It’s stupid. I loved the look on Bray’s face when Keith told him that he[Keith] was packing. LOL… Bray…good name for someone that brays like a donkey.

  2. “Trained to protect our Country” — Well dude, I was trained to protect our country by the United States Air Force.

    In qualifying for my Texas Concealed Handgun License, I take a course of fire equivalent to what a Basic Peace Officer has to pass to be certified. So who isn’t trained?

    He did a great job trashing the talking head.

  3. That was an awesome dismatling of a hoplophobe.
    I like the line at 9:25;
    “You’re armed right now?!”
    “Of course I am. You’re not?!”

  4. typo alert “West Virginia Citizens Defense League President, Keith Morgan basically shreds Talking Head Keith Morgan on Gun Control.”

  5. All the previous statements aside ( and good ones they are !), I have to at least give the interviewer props for being civil. THAT is refreshing. Dude was woefully misinformed (which is politicocorrect-speak for “dumber than a bag of hammers), and was politely AND FIRMLY served.

  6. “Whenever they say “I want to get back to..” means they know they got hammered bad in the point they were just making and they are in full retreat.”

    Can we call that Miguel’s Corollary to Weer’d’s Rule? Weer’d’s Rule says that when someone says they’ll have to “agree to disagree”, it means they’re losing the argument but don’t want to admit it.

  7. Somehow it never occurs to them that any government that would use nuclear weapons against its own citizens is by definition tyrannical and should be opposed by all good men. They also claim that US citizens could never stand against the US military/police, but spent the last dozen years hysterically shouting that the US military can’t prevail in Iraq or Afghanistan.

  8. That liberal fuzzy-brain sure cut Keith off when he countered with the facts about how many crimes are PREVENTED by armed citizens. In my own family, two crimes were prevented because (in the first case) my husband was armed, and (in the second) because my father was armed. Both times, the criminal was held at gunpoint until the authorities arrived. And living in the (so-far) free state of Texas, neither was charged, and in fact the police told my dad that if every law-abiding citizen acted the same way, it would make the police’s job easier.

  9. You know you live in a Country run by idiots when …

    A US Army soldier can be trained and qualified to carry his weapon on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan to fight and defend against any and all enemies, only to return home to be arrested for being in possession of the very same weapon issued to him by the US government to do his job WHILE STILL IN THE MILITARY, just because he calls home Washington, DC, a city that has gun control.

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