Just like crime, political violence, civil unrest, and social decohesion, anti-Semitism has gotten intensely worse in the last year.

The latest fracas between Hamas and Israel has really brought the Jew-haters out in a way we have not seen in a long time.

Jews being bullied, intimidated, and attacked in public.  Large rallies calling for the destruction or genocide of the Jews.  Uniformed Leftist thugs attacking and beating Jews.

Members of the government inciting against the Jews.

I’ve seen this before in Germany in the 1930s.

It’s not just the US.

Our famously nice and peaceful Canadian neighbors are beating up Jews.

The Woke Left in every Western country has uncritically embraced radical Islam and violence against Jews and calling for a genocide of the Jews is now occurring in broad daylight Western nation after Western nation.

A bunch of Trump supporters having a rally or Christians trying to worship indoors get a stronger police response than Antifa and Palestinian supporters sexually assaulting Jewish women and beating Jewish men and chanting about wiping out the Jews.

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if some member of the squad referenced a new Final Solution from the floor of the House by the end of the summer.

This is why my father taught me to shoot and about the value of the Second Amendment.

This is why I have spent my adult life stockpiling and training.

Woke Left/Antifa and Palestinians, Hilter and the Grand Mufti, the racist radical Jew-hating Left is once again conspiring with Jew-hating Muslims for the destruction of the Jewish people.

They are coming for me, that is not hyperbole, and I will be ready.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

14 thoughts on “This is why I am the way I am, armed to the f**king teeth.”
  1. Antifa (supposedly short for anti-fascist) is marching in the streets, beating up Jews, and calling for murder and rape of Jews. Not only are the using the tactics of the nazis, they are indistinguishable from nazis, and congress critters and our Vice President (and future president) think they are doing the the right thing. Going to be an “interesting” three and a half years.

    1. Ah, but NRW, they’re the good guys! It’s in their name! They’re ‘ANTI-fascists’! That means they’re the Good Guy Squad and everything they do is above board and righteous!

      Yeah, that’s sarcasm, but there’s a point to it. They wrap themselves in that label to convince others — and possibly themselves — that everything they do is right and proper and that it’s the OTHER side that’s evil.

  2. “I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if some member of the squad referenced a new Final Solution from the floor of the House by the end of the summer.”

    And leftist jews would perform the mental gymnastics necessary to not only justify it, but to vote them back into office.

  3. Biden shouldn’t have restored aid to the Palestinians. Trump, rightly, cut it off for them acting out. And honestly, we shouldn’t be sending money to Israel either. I have a moral issue with borrowing money and giving to other countries. Let them handle their own affairs.

    I have no issue with Israel buying arms and defending themselves. Personally, I’d go biblical and wipe Gaza off the face of the earth. They should’ve never given it to the Palestinians. They’ve gotten nothing but pain from the effort.

    And those nobs playing in the streets would do well to do a little reading on the history of the area. Israel isn’t an ‘apartheid’ state. They pulled out of Gaza and left the Palestinians to their own affairs, which appears to be shitting in their nest from time to time. Prior to that they were refugees from wars they lost while fighting their neighbors.

    This is nothing more than a sovereign nation defending itself. Period. They could be $$)@#($# Mormons for all I care. They still have a right to defend themselves.

    This is happening because Biden is a weak anti-semite, and the high school girls running the show want it, or ok with it happening. They know Biden, at worst, will do nothing, and at best will give them cash.

    They are doing it because they can.

    I saw an Anthony Bourdain show when he was in Israel. He went over the the Palestinian side and interviewed some nob who was moaning about the wall Israel put up. Look what they did, it’s just horrible!

    I wanted to reach through and choke them. They put up a wall because these idiots were coming across the border and detonating themselves in busses and nightclubs.

  4. Just picked up a couple of boxes of Gatekeeper slugs. Muy, muy expensive, but they look like they will stop a rhino, so I decided to pick them up. 😉

    1. I just have regular slugs and 00 buck. If I need to break an engine block, I have other options.
      Those Gatekeeper slugs ARE impressive, though. Not much risk of overpenetration, massive energy dump, incredible expansion, and impressive weight retention.
      It’s definitely not a gimmick round. Taofledermaus demonstrated that. It just doesn’t do anything better enough for me to justify the added per round expense to myself.

    2. Expensive shotgun slugs are almost always a waste of money. Once you’ve seen what a 1 oz foster slug does buying some all copper machined thing is just throwing money away.

      1. Hog and boar hunters down here will go with your plain jane slug to stop them attacking beasts. It seems it works rather well telling the criters to stop charging.

  5. I was on the fence getting the Ruger 57 to pair w my PS90; typical sloppy trigger same as the the FN. But then 20+1, plus two 20 rnd mags puts 61 rounds on my hip. Quantity does indeed have a quality all its own.

    And Miguel’s fantasy ride has me looking at on ’04 Excursion, V10, slightly lifted to accommodate 35’s on the corners, brush guard front. about $10K. Thinking of applying 3M treatment to the windows to make them ‘hurricane proof’.

  6. I would gladly stand shoulder to shoulder with any Jew facing violence, and defend him or her until my last breath. BUT, the Jews who support the democrat party are not worthy to be called Jews – any Jew who supports a democrat, is the same as the Jews during WW II who supported the Nazis against their own brothers!
    I support Disproportionate Response against enemies of Israel and her people.

    1. I’d be fine with merely proportional response, which is far, far more drastic than anything Israel has done in response to the terrorist attacks. “Proportionate” would mean carpet bombing Gaza with 3-4000 bombs, matching the number of rockets fired indiscriminately from that place. Proportionate would mean dropping bombs anywhere in the neighborhood, rather than precision targeting of only military targets.
      The people of Gaza should be VERY happy that Israel practices very much less than proportionate response. And they should be VERY happy that Israel has Iron Dome, because that is what permits Israel to be so gentle.

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