This makes me want to vomit:

Taliban thumbing through a stack of brand new Benjamins like a rapper in a music video.

How much of that will be used to fund terrorism?

All of it?

That’s money you and I and every other tax-paying citizen gave the government.


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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Those are literally your tax dollars the Taliban is thumbing through”
  1. That had to be at least a million sitting there. To some extent I can understand the weapons – we gave those to the Afghan army and they dropped everything and ran, but where did they find a stack of cash like that??

    Related, I read that Harmid Kharzi left AG with $169M in US cash.

    So much waste, while we sit here and pay more for everything because of creeping socialism.

    1. Not Karzai but Ghani, the “president” who ran away. He denies it, but obviously a person with no honor can’t be trusted to speak the truth.
      Meanwhile, Karzai (as well as former presidential candidate Abdullah) are fellow travelers of the Taliban, seen in meeting with the Taliban bosses in an apparent attempt to ingratiate themselves and get some of the spoils.

      On those Benjamins: since they look like brand new still wrapped ones, it seems reasonable to assume their serial numbers are known. So the US could issue a declaration stating that $100 bills with serial numbers in the range X..Y are void and will not be honored by the USA. Will Biden do that? He’s probably too afraid and too stupid to do so — but clearly this could and should be done.

      1. Useless jesture. Those bills are still real us ossued currency and any ol person aint gonna have the slightest.

        Idk why but something about seeing the money enrages me more than anything else. Literally one wrapped stack of that could change someons life here in the US but instead we leave it for terrorists.

        1. Useless gesture? I don’t see it that way. If the Treasury said “any bill with such a serial number will be disavowed by us exactly as we would disavow a forgery, and we will not credit your account with $100 if you deposit such a bill” how would that not work? It would of course penalize some people who accepted the bills in trade, not realizing what’s going on. That’s no different from someone getting screwed for accepting a forgery not knowing it for what it is. But especially if the message were broadcast plainly and often, it would get to a lot of people and cause the bad guys enough trouble that they wouldn’t realize nearly as much benefit from all that cash as they had expected. Some, yes, unavoidably so. But if it cuts the terrorist cash flow by 50% that would be valuable, and it might well do better than that.

          Another benefit would be that such canceled bills would not count as money issued by the treasury, so from the bookkeeping point of view it would in fact NOT be “our tax dollars”. Those tax dollars would, be, accounting-wise, not yet spent.

          1. You actually check every $100 that goes through your hands? Against counterfeit or canceled? Do you realize just how many Americans you would screw out of money? The bad guys would get what they paid for, but when Americans deposited it, they would get screwed? You’re okay with that? The money is gone, just like the billions Obomao gave the raghead iranians, it is in circulation and there is nothing you can do about it. Besides, IF that was attempted, the demoncraps would set up an exchange program just for the taliban, just to save them any inconvenience.

          2. If the currency is never deposited and continues to circulate it has no effect.

            Maybe I’m wrong, but I for some reason doubt that a bunch of currency taken by the Taliban will be deposited into banks.

    2. Each strap is $10k. Each stack appears to be 10 straps deep. That’s $100k per stack. 5 stacks front to back is half a million. There’s a 100 million dollars there if there’s a penny.

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