A 5 meter (a squish over 5 tards for those Metric impaired) from a rifle shooting a 5.56 round flying a 3K fps will be devastating and truly incapacitating one inch up or down. The bigger the rifle caliber, the bigger the skull canoe will be achieved.

I believe the poster simply ignored the transference of energy from the round into the body and the hydrodynamics that come with it and probably believes that bullet wounds are perfect cylindrical little holes like cut with a laser with no effect on the surrounding tissue and organs.

Top of my head (pun intended) we have the killing of Bugsy Siegel where the head shot taken with an M1 carbine made his eyeballs pop out of his skull.


Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “Those internet gun experts are amazing!”
  1. “a squish over 5 tards” I know that there’s a very wise and funny liberal measurement point in there, but I haven’t finished my covefe yet, so I’m going to leave it to y’all.

  2. There is a reason why I don’t engage in any sort of ballistic related discussion online outside of very carefully selected circles. I worked in the firearms industry for over a decade and have seen all walks from tip of the spear SOF guys to “a bunch of retards I wouldn’t trust with a potato gun,” (to quote Keith David/General Kimsey from Armageddon), and in that time I just learned that it was best to say “Cool,” and walk away.

    1. I am perhaps that dumbest guy in my circle of gun people and something I realized is that even the wisest of the wisest will acknowledge they are always trying to learn more and more.
      But they suffer no fools.
      It is contagious 🙂

      1. My experience, across all fields and interests, is that the more I learn, the more I perceived how much more there is to learn.

  3. Even if a 5.56 to the teeth doesn’t kill the target, I promise you that he isn’t going to be in the fight any longer.

  4. these types of arguments is the reason I don’t follow ANY gun groups online at all. also I find these groups full of jackels who pounce on comments they don’t agree with or want to show how F’in smart they are..

  5. Through the eye and brain box might be a slightly more humane shot, but either way would stop the threat quickly with any intermediate rifle round. And at the theoretical 3am mentioned, that’s all I care about.

    Of course, I’m so bleary eyed at that time of the G-d forsaken morning, that I’m aiming center of mass anyways.

    1. Yeah … At 3am being humane to the person trying to kill one is not likely to be forefront in one’s mind.

  6. We all run into them.
    The folks that will call you an absolute loser if you cannot stop a threat with a single shot that is worthy of a big budget Hollywood movie.
    All that demonstrates is the original poster has NEVER been in a situation of mild stress. They are, most likely, the ones that are absolutely great at zeroing a scope from a rifle rest, and actually think a self defense situation is just as relaxed. Odds are, if actually woken at 3AM by a home invasion, they would likely freeze and do nothing.

    1. Yes.

      “24 June 03

      Your “Lizard Brain”

      In a recent conversation with good friend, Dave Grossman, Dave mentioned that he had recently talked with a gaggle of bearded, bespectacled psychiatrists (all with heavy, German accents). Dave was getting their advice on the differences between the human “front brain” and the “mid-brain.” They had a number of terms for the “mid-brain,” all with a minimum of six syllables and all difficult to pronounce. When Dave suggested to them the term, “mid-brain,” they all nodded in wavering agreement that the term was probably adequately descriptive and that longer and more difficult terms would never see general use anyway.

      What Dave, Gary Klugiewicz, and I all concur on is that lifesaving, psychomotor skills, intended to be used in an emergency must eventually filter from the frontal lobes (front brain), where they are first learned, into the mid-brain (primitive or “lizard” brain) if they are ever going to be accessible when one is in a hyper-stressful, crisis environment.

      The frontal lobes is where our intellect dwells. Its precocious and elevated development separates us from lower forms of life. In one’s frontal lobes lives discernment, understanding, and our ethical skeleton. However, the frontal lobes are also the residence of confusion, indecision, hesitation, and panic. The frontal lobes are never really quite sure of anything! The front brain is the “legislative branch” of our intelligence. The mid-brain is the “executive branch.” The front brain works just fine when we are, at a leisurely pace, contemplating our navels, but, in a life-threatening emergency, a shrewd front brain wisely hands off operations to the mid-brain.

      The mid-brain has no philosophy, no hesitation, and no regret. It knows only death, and life, and nothing in between! The mid-brain is never confused and never dithers. Its job is to get us out of this mess alive! It is poor at multitasking. It acts decisively and only does one thing at a time. It never apologizes, never looks back, and sheds no tears.

      Unfortunately, the mid-brain is ignored in the training philosophy of many institutions. We do too much training “in the abstract.” “In the abstract” is where all training must begin, because the front brain is the entry point for all information. Unhappily, that is where much of what passes for training also ends. As the student is gradually immersed in the training environment, stress levels must be increased so that important psychomotor skills begin to filter into the mid-brain. The mid-brain will only “know what to do” if the student has been “stress inoculated.”
      The hand-off from front brain to mid-brain must be seamless and immediate. The mid-brain has to “hit the ground running” if there is to be any chance that it can act in time to save your life. You need to “have a plan,” and it must reside in the mid-brain. Unhelpful thoughts, swimming around in your front brain, must be jettisoned before they contaminate your mid-brain. This will mean endless repetitions under physical stress and anxiety.

      Ultimately, your front brain will be of limited use during a crisis. In fact, it (and you, if you don’t permit a hand-off to the mid-brain) will be little more than a blithering, dithering buffoon! If the hand-off to your mid-brain is smooth, authoritative, and timely, and your mid-brain has been well trained , it will know what to do and will act decisively to save your life. Treat it well. Train it well!


      Originally from here in “Quips”–


  7. Sounds like a good reason for standard capacity magazines. And why we practice the double tap.
    And if that round is coming from the front, being an inch low is still going to do some damage to the spinal column.

    1. Yes indeed. Consider decapitation, which is well known to be an effective way to kill someone. It involves a break somewhat lower than the low box in that image.

  8. This is illuminated very well by using a laser training aid such as MantisX. I popped it into my carbine and at 3 yds, which was all the farther I could stand back in my house, the laser was 2″ below the 100′ zero red dot which had a standard AR height. I’m glad it has a compensation mode in it that automatically recenters the laser dot in the app to match your sight picture.

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