NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — Metro Council members are showing Metro Nashville Public Schools support in its decision not to allow teachers or staff to carry guns on campus.

This comes after Governor Bill Lee signed a bill into law which gives districts the “ok” to allow teachers and staff to carry if they so choose.

See the full statement on the issue from MNPS below:

We have a strong relationship with the Metro Nashville Police Department and agree that it is safest for only approved active-duty law enforcement officers to carry weapons on campus. This has been our consistent practice at MNPS, and we have no intention of changing it.

Metro Council shows support to Nashville public schools not allowing school staff to carry (



NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) – The Metro Nashville Police Department may not have enough money to pay officers who respond to school emergencies.

Chief John Drake says they do not have ‘permanent funding’ for Rapid Response Teams and he’s working to secure the necessary funding. Chief Drake said these teams have already made schools safe, and are an added layer of protection to School Resource Officers (SROs)

“My vision for SROs has always been to be more of a social worker, to try to work with kids, try to find out if something is going on at home and if we can help them as well,” Chief Drake explained. “Then having that person in school at that moment when something could happen is a tremendous asset”

Chief Drake defends SROs amid funding issue for MNPD’s Rapid Response Team (


I would laugh at the idiocy, but this means schools will be back to be unprotected.

And about that Rapid Response Team, I guess 90% of their budget will go to teleportation units so they arrive almost instantly the moment a shooter is detected in a school. What do you mean that does not exist? So, it is going to take them real amounts of time to get from wherever they are based to a school in trouble? /end sarcasm.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Truly they do not care about school protection.”
  1. So the Chief is laying the groundwork for increased budgeting using the schools as hostages? Is that what I’m reading?

  2. So far, every school district in the State has said the exact same BS. They must really be looking forward to dancing in the blood.

  3. Chief John Drake says they do not have ‘permanent funding’ for Rapid Response Teams and he’s working to secure the necessary funding. Chief Drake said these teams have already made schools safe, and are an added layer of protection to School Resource Officers (SROs) [emphasis mine]
    What the Metro Council hears: “Schools are already safe. Mission accomplished! Congrats, everyone! We can all go home now! Go ahead and defund SROs, RRTs, and the police in general, since schools are already safe!”
    Chief Drake is wrong about SROs and RRTs being the “Only Ones” responsible enough to be armed on campus, no argument. But the Council will take it a step further — “moar wronger”, if you will — and say that not even SROs and RRTs need to be there.
    Schools are already soft targets. Democrat policies make them softer.

  4. This is what’s wrong with laws like that: they give local chairwarmers the option to say “no”.

    The correct way to write that law is to take that local option away.

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