Thanks to TDS, there are no White people in Mainland Europe. Wow!  Germans are gonna feel real bad knowing that after all the Master race shit from Hitler and Company they were all People Of Color after all.


In the rush to hate Trump, they simply forget basic stuff like… Oh hell, everything.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Trump Derangement Syndrome: Changing the color of Europe.”
  1. Yawn old news. My family was never considered white to begin with when the immigrated to the US. It was fun while it lasted? /sarc for the whole thing

  2. So, in 2010 when Obamacare was being pushed, and even today with single payer crap on the table, don’t the leftist always cite the National Health Service (NHS) as the gold standard for universal health care?

    Everyone in the UK should be completely disease free. And, they should all be immortal as well if you listen to the hype.

    Trump should have cited the UK’s NHS as the reason why he is not imposing the ban on them. It would have put the leftists into a do-loop of epic proportions.

  3. Trump should ban travel from NY, WA, and CA.

    I bet you could see the knickers twisting from space…

  4. I really can not understand what the tweet is trying to say, beyond “I’m a racist, Orange Man Bad”.

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