I swear her mom smoked crack and had too much “aguardiente” when she was pregnant with her.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “AOC, for the love of God: Use a spellchecker and a script!”
  1. Is this a thing that’s really happening?

    Are the Mexican restaurants and Italian restaurants busy as hell and the Chinese restaurants empty? Because I’d suspect that the entire restaurant industry is suffering right now as people try and avoid crowds.

  2. I kind of feel sorry for the poor gal (even if it sounds like gales of laughter).
    It’s becoming clear even to her addled little brain that she’s not as important & influential as the media made her out to be.

    None of the people she supported are getting votes, Bernie’s pretty much going down, and even if she survives the primaries & general election, there’s a good chance that she’ll have to face a Republican run House.

    1. Your average leftist has the mental maturity of a kindergartner. Alexandria donkey-chompers is no different.

      Numbers without context prove nothing. They are a curiosity, nothing more. Yet, for a 5 year old, citing some statistic is considered a valid, and unimpeachable argument. It isn’t until you lose a bunch of arguments that you begin to structure more supportable positions.

      Since AOC has, from what I can tell, never actually engaged in a debate of any significance, and apparently only talks with people that agree totally with her mindset, she has zero experience losing arguments. Net result, she has no incentive to improve her positions.

      Again, like a toddler, it is “I feel it, therefore it is a fact.”

  3. Went to my favorite chinese buffet yesterday. Crowded as hell and they had just opened 15 minutes prior. She dyes her hair(artificial intelligence)….. stupid irrelevant Cant Understand Normal Thinking

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