Score another victory for the Trump adminstration.

‘Historic decision’: Israel and Morocco agree on full ties ‘as soon as possible’
US move to recognize Rabat’s claim over Western Sahara paves way for fourth in series of Trump-brokered Israel normalization accords, will include embassies and direct flights

Israel and Morocco have agreed to reestablish diplomatic relations, US President Donald Trump announced Thursday, marking the fourth Arab-Israel agreement in four months.

As part of the announcement, Trump said that the US would recognize Morocco’s claim over the disputed Western Sahara region.

In their first reactions to Trump’s announcement later Thursday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Moroccan King Mohammed VI lauded the latest normalization agreement.

“This will be a very warm peace. On this Hannukah, the light of peace has never shone brighter than today in the Middle East,” said Netanyahu at a Hanukkah candle-lighting ceremony at the Western Wall. He said the relationship of the peoples of both countries “has long been characterized by sympathy, respect, fondness and love,” and praised King Mohammed’s “historic decision” to make peace.

Four Arab countries have normalized relations with Israel in as many months.

Notice how Trump did this.  Not by making Israel give concessions to the Palestinians.

Why?  Because the “conventional wisdom” that all Middle East peace hinges on the Palestinians is both seriously fucking stupid and solidly anti-Semitic as it is essential “blame the Jews first.”

Trump very well may end his Presidency with a peace deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia united against a nuclear Iran.

Which Biden and Kerry will promptly fuck like Hunter on a hooker while high on crack.

Trump’s Middle East deals should prove beyond any reasonable doubt why anyone in DC who calls themselves a “policy expert” should be fed feet first into a wood chipper.  Those people have been 100% wrong, absolutely diametrically opposed to right for decades, and it was the outsiders that these “experts” said would fail who have actually succeeded.

“Hi, I’m the new Middle East policy guy.  Here’s my resume.  As you can see, I earned a BA in Global Affairs from Yale, then went to earn an MA in International Relations at the Harvard Kennedy School.  I interned at the Council on Foreign Relations and Brookings Institute.  Where should I go to see where I’ll be working?”

“Right into a fucking wood chipper.”  shove

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Trump is the worst Jew-hater ever”
  1. ‘Notice how Trump did this. Not by making Israel give concessions to the Palestinians.

    Why? Because the “conventional wisdom” that all Middle East peace hinges on the Palestinians is both seriously fucking stupid and solidly anti-Semitic as it is essential “blame the Jews first.” ‘


    40 years of failures. 40 years of the best and brightest professional progressive bipartisan concensus doing the same failed stupid crud over and over again.

    It is not “Conventional Wisdom,” it is unthinking conventional stupidity rigidly locked into Approved Ivy League Dogma.

    But God Forbid anyone violates their Dogma.

    Trump is a religious heretic in their eyes and damn the actual results.

    He is ending the Forever Wars.

    He has rebuilt the AMERICAN Economy.

    He has Built the Wall.

    And Washington DC will damn him for all he has actually done.

  2. The “experts” have been opposed to the existence of Israel ever since 1948, when Truman recognized Israel over the objections of all the chairwarmers at the State Department.

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