The Tories won big last night and you could swear you are watching the US 2016 post election reaction with a funny accent and bad teeth.

You guys remember the Young Turks losing it when the results were coming in? This may be a Dollar Store version in the UK.


A White South African a minority? Live and learn.

But the most interesting thing I learned this morning is that even though the Tories and Johnson were branded with the racist tag by the media nd the opposition, the minority of Hindu expats living in the UK voted massively for the conservatives and helped make the win even bigger.

Not bad for the Brit version of the Klan according to the “experts.”

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “UK: Boris Johsnon & Conservatives win big. Appartently executions to follow.”
  1. On the bright side the disastrous showing of Labour introduces the possibility of Jeremy Corbyn and his antisemitism being ridden out of town on a rail, although I suspect Labour will fail to do the right thing and purge Corbyn and will instead double down on stupid.

  2. Funny how progtards whine about the same bullshit everywhere they are.

    “Waah!! Anyone who doesn’t agree with me is a nazi!”
    “Waah!! We didn’t win so I’m afraid for my life!”
    “Waah!! I deserve other people’s money!”

    Jeeze. Give it a rest. 😐
    Nobody sane believes any of their lies anymore.

  3. even though the Tories and Johnson were branded with the racist tag by the media nd the opposition, the minority of Hindu expats living in the UK voted massively for the conservatives and helped make the win even bigger.

    This is very interesting news that I haven’t come across elsewhere. The thing I heard that impressed me as much as this was that voters were telling pollsters, they had voted against Brexit last time, but voted for Boris Johnson because the government has to learn they just can’t ignore the people when the majority voted to do something.

    Which EU country is next?

    1. Next in what sense? Next to dump socialism? Not sure any will. Next to dump the EU? A few made noises but I doubt any will.
      Also keep in mind that the electoral system in most EU countries is not as helpful to respond to the people as the British one is. For example, in Holland (my native land), all elections are “at large”, and people typically vote for a party, not a person. If a party gets 20% of the votes, nationwide, they get 20% of the seats, that many people from their candidate list in order from the top of the list.
      A consequence is that representatives vote the party line, because they owe their elected office to the fact that the party bosses put them in an “electable position” on the candidate list. Vote “wrong” and you’ll end up off the list, or at position 902 on the list.
      This is why a Dutch senator, in a moment of unplanned candor, referred to the representatives as “voting cattle”.

  4. It is endemic with leftists that anyone who does not agree with them, hates them, and wants them to die.

    This is the thinking of a toddler, not a fully realized adult. Yes… everyone gets worked up sometimes and claims that “my boss hates me.” or some other screed. That is not what I am talking about here.

    The left is comprised of toddlers, not adults. And, like most toddlers, they know that if they throw a tantrum in public, the parents will probably try to appease them, rather than make a scene. With a child that manifests itself with kicking, screaming, and crying. With the above 20 year old leftists, it manifests itself as social media posts calling everyone who they don’t like haters, and claiming victim status.

    1. Despite what Camera Hogg and St. Greta of the Scowl tell us, the future belongs to the adults.
      Eventually, the adults tire of the petulant tantrums.

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