I finally got my replacement revolver from Taurus today and that is another story for next week.  So I went over Rick’s of 305Guns (see sidebar) with my 4473 already filled and thinking about all the stuff I had to do after.

He went online to do background check in the FDLE website and got welcomed   with a notice that the BGs were running about 3 to 3.5 hours late. He scoffed, I scoffed and we both agreed they were exaggerating.

An hour and ten minutes later I left Rick to do his regular job and I went to do my opther chores sans gun. Yup, nothing returned.  So I guess I could do all other stuff in the other two hours and wait for Rick to call me when it was all done but the screaming.


It took five hours and forty five frigging minutes for the Background Check to complete. Rick said the FDLE site is now giving you a 5 hour wait warning.

I need a drink.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Update Florida: FDLE Background checks are officially STUPID slow”
  1. Sad part of this is you had to be checked for a replacement of a gun you already owned. Just a small inconvenience for us lawfull ones. Have a drink for me too Sir

  2. Don’t know what the wait times are here in Arizona. I went to two of my normal haunts and there mostly sold out. Someone took some photos of the Cabela’s in this state and all the ammo shelves are bare. Told me over 2/3rd of the handguns were gone and the rifle rack was only 2/3rds some. That was last Saturday and he was told that it got all at once last week
    Thursday. I sensed the rumblings a couple week before but you could find stuff. I would not surprised if a few thousand from California try to come over to Arizona, Oregon or Nevada thinking there smart to skirt the 10 day waiting period.

  3. Hi Miguel,
    In a way I envy you for normally getting a prompt response following a submission of a 4473. Here in IL that just doesn’t happen.
    I bought & paid for a pistol online on 2/19 & received acknowledgement that it had been received in the local store on 3/13. So I went in to fill out the 4473, I received a printed statement from them that I could pick it up after 3/16. (key word “AFTER”)
    I took a hard case in on 3/16 and was told that the background check was delayed, so I went home empty handed.
    They called on 3/19 to tell me that approval had come through and I picked it up on the 19th. The 3 day wait period stretched out to 6 days.
    I have been told that that business would not honor the maximum wait time of 3 days before releasing the gun.

  4. Good luck to all of you that live in slave states. You can blame the FLOrida poiticians for your plight with the “bakground” chex. If I were to buy a gun in Texas from a FFL, there is no “wait” since I have a License to carry. Since I already have all the gunz I want and all the ammo I can shoot for the rest of my lifetime, I don’t worry about little things like staycations. Maybe you should consider rousing the voters next time around.

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