You guys remember Junior Antifa pistolero who shot 2 bystanders while failing to stop a jeep running away from the mob.

It seems somebody caught him in flagrante delicto:

 Click to enlagre

Pretty revolver will be now confiscated and hopefully owner will be serving a wee bit time for not knowing the Four Rules.

Hat Tip Danny W.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Update on the Aurora Highway BLM Shooter”
  1. The “Engaging People In Community” shirt is kind of appropriately ironic at this point.

  2. Puts lie to the stories yesterday about him just trying to shoot out the tires. Look more like he was going for a headshot.

    1. Ever try to shoot a stationary tire?

      The entire freaking center is the metal wheel, surrounded by a very thin round strip of tire. The strip is only 3-5″ wide, and your natural tendency is going to be to shoot the center of the big round target. Take an old tire to the range and try it. Just be very wary of bouncers coming back at you. Very Wary!

      Now try it like the Clueless Kid. The target is moving at 30-50 mph and you are shooting from how far away? Did he even hit the vehicle once?

      Pure negligence. Not much difference from loading a couple rounds, and spinning the cylinder, then holding up against someone’s head.

  3. It doesn’t matter what he was trying to do, shoot the tires, shoot the driver, shoot the man in the moon. The only relevant fact is that he used deadly force when there was clearly no imminent threat to himself (or any one else) and two people were shot.

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