I just saw this offshot/side site of US Concealed Carry Association being mentioned by some in Twitter.

US Concealed Carry Association for Saving Lives. 

And one phrase in their donation request just triggered a whole slew of negative thoughts and premonitions.

Please tell me who is left in the Gun Community not knowing that “commonsense gun laws” is the proud brand and calling card of every Gun Control advocate and Politician in the US and has been for the past 3 decades?

And it gets worse.


This is from their Safety & Training – USCCA Saves Lives page and gives a link to bill H.R.880 – Firearm Safety Act of 2021 by Rep. Kelly, Robin L. [D-IL-2, Chicago]  that states:

To amend the Consumer Product Safety Act to remove the exclusion of pistols, revolvers, and other firearms from the definition of consumer product in order to permit the issuance of safety standards for such articles by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Yeah, that sounds reassuring like hell.

What the hell is USCCA doing supporting a bill from a Chicago Congresswoman who has sided 100% with PedoBiden intentions to impose Gun Control in our country?

Rep. Robin Kelly Applauds President Biden’s Initial Actions to Reduce Gun Violence | Congresswoman Robin Kelly (house.gov)  

And Universal Background Checks:

Rep. Robin Kelly Presides Over Passage of Gun Violence Prevention Legislation

And is heartily congratulated by the Brady Bunch:

“Brady applauds Congresswoman Kelly for her constant leadership in the fight to end gun violence in America,” said Kris Brown, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. “Her efforts to save lives during Gun Violence Survivors Week, when our country strives to elevate the voices of those most affected by gun violence, is just the most recent example of how she has championed gun violence prevention since her very first day in Congress. Brady thanks Congresswoman Kelly for her commitment to addressing our nation’s gun violence epidemic.”

I believe that a certain section of what used to be Gun Culture 2.0 has been bought or threatened into submission by the Gun Control foes with an unlimited checkbook and now government support.

Let us suffer no traitors.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

31 thoughts on “USCCA gone Pincus or just plain Gun For the Selected Few?”
  1. Oh what the heck now. Good catch I haven’t heard of this.

    Too early to tell if they’re angling for protected critter status, mislead, or got gutted skinned, and something’s wearing the skin.

    None of those are good.

    1. I jumped their $h1t last night.
      I was ready to cancel out my membership.
      Then I researched a little

      Their page didn’t say that last night (nor now).

      Did they f–k up and fix it?
      Now it says:

      Safety & Training

      Responsible Americans have a right to keep and bear arms. But every responsible gun owner should embrace education and training on a regular basis.
      We believe that the best way to keep American families safe is to ensure that all gun owners receive the adequate training resources they need to protect their families well. That’s why we support legislation like Senator Roger Marshall’s Firearms Safety Act, which would create a tax credit for anyone who participates in an accredited firearms safety course and/or purchases a safe for their firearm.
      emphasis mine

      S788 is VERY different from H.R. 880.

      Different sponsor too.

      Read about it here.


      Now I didn’t like the “commonsense gun laws” either.

      That’s because we’ve become accustomed to the Left, creating their own meanings for words and phrases.

      Poor choice on the part of USCCA.

      People make mistakes.

      1. Stealth edits make me very nervous.

        There should have been an indication on the page saying clearly “we linked to the wrong bill and this was an honest mistake, we DO NOT support the bill we originally linked to” or something to that effect.

        The fact that they just changed the text without clarifying implies to me that they are hiding something.

        They’d better come out with a clear and convincing statement explaining how such a “mistake” was made and specifically telling us which legislation they support and which they don’t. Otherwise, I’m writing them off as a false-flag.

  2. They have just within the last few minutes as of 2p.m. central time this dayrevised that page on their site.

    The bill they were are now advocating for is the Senate S 788, the Firearms Safety Act, introduced by Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS). Not the House bill HR 880 of the same name that lets the CPSC have power over gun manufacturers.

    I think they might have made a simple mistake and corrected their ass.

    1. Commonsense wasn’t a mistake though, and let’s not forget the previous interaction where they had an antigun employee who just needed “retrained”

    2. They took the “commonsense” language off the donation page too.

      Too bad we already know their true colors.

    3. Then why not admit their mistake and correct it? Hiding what they earlier posted means they’re lying.

  3. I have a CCWSafe Ultimate Plan. Covers my wife and I with no monetary limits. They are the only company to get someone off that was charged with Murder 1 by an over-zealous prosecutor for defensive deadly force. $450 a year with a Veteran discount.

  4. Uummm. The website says US CONCEALED CARRY for SAVING LIVES……could this be a hack stealing some of the name of USCCA????

    1. I just did a little research. Apparently this is a “super-PAC” supported by USCCA and it’s Chairman of the Board is the USCCA’s “strategic officer” Mike Lowney, so it is apparent that this was not a misappropriation of the USCCA brand, but is an offshoot of the USCCA.

      Also, the organization is discussed and its legitimacy acknowledged in the USCCA forum.

  5. A quick perusal of the comments on USCCA’s most recent Instagram post reveals the pile on has started. Lots of comments demanding answers and claiming memberships to be cancelled. I’d imagine their Facebook is similar. I expect a statement from them soon.

  6. This feels like a case of a business stupidly supporting evil laws on the misguided basis that they might help send business their way. An analogous example would be a gun store that supports “universal background check” via a mandate to do all firearms transfers via an FFL.

    In either case, the correct answer is a demand for an immediate withdrawal of that support, sufficiently credibly that we can believe the fools in question have learned their lesson and will not do this again. Failing that, a boycott to drive them out of business and keep them that way in the future.

    I’m reminded of “Smith & Wesson must die”, an essay by L. Neil Smith from back in the days when S&W (or more precisely, its demented British owners) were supporting anti-gun policies.

  7. Curby’s first comment interested me.
    IPwhois query shows that
    usccasaveslives.com is privately registered on godaddy out of Scottsdale Arizona.

    usccasaveslives.com is Delta Defense LLC registered on godaddy out of Wisconsin and they’re located in West Bend Wisconsin.

    usccasaveslives.com has all the indications of being a false flag front to get people to donate to them using USCCA’s logo to confuse the issue.

    1. It appears to be the same organization. Check their social media. They are issuing the same statement over and over to the comments chastising them. I can’t cut and paste off of social media apps on my phone for some reason, otherwise I’d post it here.

      1. You appear to be correct

        I got this when I passed along the ISP info to them on Facebook:

        Thank you for the heads up, but it is a legitimate company.

        The U.S. Concealed Carry Association For Saving Lives Super-Pac is an organization recently created outside of Delta Defense, LLC and the USCCA with the intent to drive action, education and awareness in support of legislative efforts and policies pertaining to 2nd Amendment freedoms, concealed carry and our natural-born right to self-defense. The mission of the USCCA-FSL will play an important role in supporting the USCCA’s mission to help Americans avoid danger, save lives and keep their families safe.

        They have stepped in their dicks and are trying to save face.

  8. Oh, well. Four years of membership down the drain.

    I suppose I should be more forbearing, but the use of the enemy’s favorite phrase, “common sense gun laws,” is an absolute red line for me. That’s no mistake. That’s no misstatement.

    1. I suppose it’s possible this is propaganda jiu-jitsu — adopting enemy terminology against them. I have my doubts, but it’s possible they could show convincing evidence that this is what they are doing. In the absence of that evidence I agree with Chief.
      Too bad. Are there other places to get CC insurance?

  9. The real question is this:
    Is USCCASL actually related to USCCA in any shape, way, manner, or form??

    False flag operations are nothing new to the left. Neither are attempts to make such appear as derivative of legitimate 2A organizations, via names, celebrities, or fancy websites.

    If this organization IS partnered with or derived from USCCA, there needs to be a reckoning. If not, then USCCA needs to take legal action against them for deceptive naming.

    1. The authoritative answer would have to come from them directly. But the two webpages show personnel in common. The way it comes across to me is that USCCA is an insurance company and training shop, while USCCA-ASL is a political action and lobbying outfit. Separate perhaps for legal or tax reasons.

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