Usually I can’t wait for guys like Tom Clancy to die….
……So another paranoid old man, another lifetime member of the NRA, another registered better-red-than-dead voter has died.
via Lament for Tom Clancy – The Daily Californian.
That is the way Meg Elison, Advice Columnist & Literary Beat Writer at The Daily Californian starts her “homily” to Tom Clancy. Oh but she loved his work! Just hated the individual with sheer passion.
Clancy was a Conservative, no doubt about it, but he was not too vocal about unless asked. He kept pretty much to himself writing books and getting pissed at how Hollywood screwed his work.
Ms. Elison’s column is however a good reminder that there are people out there that not only hates us for what we stand for but they want us with no vital signs if possible. And it is not simple political rhetoric but a deep conviction that they would not mind having us take a long trip inside a nice cattle car via Amtrak.
I have to remember to bring this pic up more often.
Hat Tip to The Gun Wire via Twitter: @thegunwire
I don;t think I’ve ever wanted to spit in someones face as much as I do after reading that…. I dunno what you would even call it.
She is truly a horrible human being.
If Debbie W-S had a …………… 🙁
Send this story to the Blaze, Cam and Co, and others – this chick needs to feel the pain of public scrutiny for her callous ignorance.
As a proud supporter of the NRA and the 2nd Amendment, I loathe Meg Ellison’s words, but as a Jew I am greatly offended by your comparison of them to one of the world’s greatest human tragedies.
Are you serious? Please take down that image. It has no place in this discussion.
First: Allow me to show you what and how the Opposition thinks, and that includes Ms. Ellison:

Second: Unless you are paying for my Webhost services and my work, you do not get to mandate what gets published or does not get published. You are kindly invited not to visit this blog if you find it offensive.
Thanks for dropping by.
Respectfully, I think that Sam is misinterpreting the intent of the image.
We never want to repeat the barbarity and inhumanity of the Holocaust. The truth is that the disarmament of the Jews by the Nazis contributed greatly to their ability to perform genocide. The image drives home that an armed minority can resist such horrors.
Those that call for disarmament are aiding despots, ignorantly or intentionally. Given the short span of attention of Americans and the woefully inadequate teaching of history, the gruesome graphic is sorely needed.
I hope we never have to oppose our own government due to its tyranny, but we need to be ever vigilante and always resist gun control.
Never Again!
Molon Labe!
Braden: Sam is appalled by the use of the photo, but apparently he is not appalled enough by the words of Ms. Ellison as it considers my alleged faux pas a much bigger issue.
I’ll leave it like that.
And you don’t have to visit Ms. Ellison’s blog or read the CSGV Twitter feed if you find them offensive. But I think you would agree that there are just some things that are so wrong that one needs to speak out and voice their opinions sometimes. And so here I am, a loyal follower that is voicing his opinion about something that is wrong.
I understand that as a non-Jew that you’ll never understand why this post is so offensive to most Jews and why, while it is certainly your right to do so, using an image of the Holocaust to further your politics is so very wrong and inappropriate. What I don’t understand is your crass and dismissive attitude toward the feelings of one of your readers.
Regardless, Kol Toov, my friend.
Offensive, Sam? 6,000,000 perished without resisting the fucking Nazis, with the exception of the courageous Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto who refused to be killed like sheep and die with a little dignity. That is what is offensive. I’m not singling the Jews here. Sadly, this is a sick and endemic part of human nature; to not want to fight and to not want to resist, to obey. The picture is not offensive, Sam. Passivity and apathy are.
While I’ve been called many things in my 75 years, there’s only a handful of people who have inferred that my brothers and sisters were doormats to the Nazis. No, they weren’t able to stop the Germans, but I would suggest to you that those in Warsaw and Bialystok ghettos, particularly the warriors of the Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa, were valiant in their struggles against our oppressors. And do I really need to mention the prisoner uprisings at Treblinka and Sobibor? Someone needs to have a history lesson, George.
But then…perhaps if they had the internet back then they could have pulled up their chairs, straightened their keyboards and tweeted and blogged their outrage and anger and made a real difference in the world.
I haven’t noticed an anti-Semitic tone at Gun Free Zone ever before, but this whole exchange and the unapologetic abuse of Holocaust imagery is making me very uncomfortable. Those are my brothers and sisters in that railroad car, they are not props.
Because there is no anti-semitic tone. However what I detect from you is some sort of private ownership of the imagery of the Holocaust to which you are not entitled. You know why? Let me explain it to you:
The Holocaust erased the existence of 11 million people: 6 million Jews and 5 million Gentiles. That dear sir makes it universal. Christians of all denominations were also executed as well as Gays, Atheist, Handicapped, Gypsies, political prisoners, Boy Scouts, etc.
You mention Treblinka and Sobibor, but did you know about Hostal de San Marcos and Miranda de Ebro? They were concentration camps created in Spain during the civil war in 1936 and did not close until 1947! May I remind you that Franco had the support of Hitler and the Nazis? That they tested the weapons and tactics to be used in 1939 on MY people first? Stukas and Heinkels bombed Spain before they took a trip over to Poland? The Panzer 1 did its first shots in anger over there too.
Now, I am sure that if there is a reader of Ukranian descent in my blog, he will be more than happy to tell you about the millions of his ancestors that were also exterminated.
To think that you and you alone have the sole rights of the Holocaust as if it was some sort of McDonald’s Franchise is disgusting and demeaning to those who died in it and insulting to those of us who will do our best so it never happens again.
Unless, of course you want to tackle that problem by your lonesome if it occurs one more time.
Sam, you are full of shit if you think Miguel and I are defending this picture because we are anti-Semitic. Nothing could be further form the truth.
Those people in the boxcar are OUR brothers and sisters, too. The ones killed in the GULAG, the ones executed by Fidel and Che Guevara, the countless dead from Islamic imperialism? Them too. So cut the crap and save your outrage for where it’s deserved. It’s not deserved here.
Human nature, being what it is, people will always tend to be passive and take a non-confrontational road. You mentioned Sobibor and Treblinka. How many more were there? I don’t include the partisans in the East because they were not imprisoned. How many lives, I wonder, could have been saved if more people said FUCK YOU or HELL NO I WON’T GO when the Nazis came. Yes, chances are they would have died, but the news would have filtered out a lot sooner to the world.
Let’s take up a collection and buy the lady a new flea collar.
And 17 out of 17 comments on that loathsome post are against her intolerance and brutishness. That mirrors what I’ve been seeing more and more of on liberal sites with anti-gun rights blogs. The push back from gun rights supporters is the dominant voice in comments sections, even while editors won’t allow us on the front page.
Left this little ditty in the comments:
“When I got out of my chair, I saw that I had left impressions”
After googling your pic, I’m betting it was more than that. An estimated 300,000 deaths per year are due to the obesity. Maybe you should focus on other things besides the death of old conservative white guys.