Molotov cocktails are cheap and easy to make. Whether they’re doing the job is at the core of a bitter debate in Venezuela. After months of relentless demonstrations against President Nicolas Maduro, many militants are frustrated. The crew in the basement talked about it in hushed voices — they didn’t want anyone in the middle-class neighborhood to find them out. It was clear, though, that many had reached their limit.

The security forces they’re up against, the riot-helmeted troops shooting tear-gas canisters and water cannon and bullets? “They all deserve to die,” one of the bomb makers said flatly, dripping petrol into a jar…

…Those calls increasingly fall on deaf ears. Masked activists hurl their homemade bombs, rocks, jars filled with feces, anything they can get their hands on. They’ve stormed office buildings, shattered store windows and blocked roads.

Source: ‘They all deserve to die’: Caracas militants vow to take up arms.

Throwing shit and getting buckshot in return is a losing cause and they know it. Some even took to Twitter to ask for guns to defend friends and family.

And yes, I was a prick and asked him how’s that Disarmament Law they loved so much working out. Things were supposed to be peaceful, right? No more crime, no abuses of any kind.

Except it never happens. You may have periods of inaction, but sooner or later the side with power will want to exercise it upon those without it because it is fun, it is rewarding and it satisfies their ego.

Of course, the other great problem in Venezuela is several centuries of political submission via “Violence does not solve anything” and the expectancy of Deus ex Machina to come to the rescue.

They are doomed unless they not only can get guns but develop the testicular fortitude to use them.

PS: We can avoid the bloodshed. Friends don’t let Friends and Family vote for asshole Socialists like Bernie Sanders.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Venezuela paying the price of Gun Control.”
  1. and that exercise of control is not always so blatant. Sometimes it is as simple as deciding what treatments they will let you pay for for your child. Power consumes everything.

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