I saw the tweets earlier this morning, but lacked a good photo image to bring the news here. Now we have not only that front page image from a local paper, but citizen journalism sharing the information.
Why no gasoline in a country where the oil literally comes out from underground like the Beverly Hillbillies? Socialism.
Socialism removed the many engineers within PDVSA that knew about the oil industry and substituted them with loyal political hacks who were owed favors. Money that was supposed to go to maintenance, was diverted to private pockets and eventually the equipment began to fail.
Refineries have not been refining up to deigned levels for a long time and so much so that Venezuela was forced to import gas to cover the demand. But now, with a government refusing to pay bills and accounts frozen through the world, the citizens are now facing the probability they will need to walk, use public transportation or buy a burro.
Once PDVSA was only second to US companies in oil extraction, refining and distributing. Today, thanks to Socialism, we are about week away from Mad Max 2.
Go Bernie! Go AOC!
En #Yaracuy se registran largas colas para colocar gasolina a los vehículos, en las pocas estaciones de servicio que tienen combustible en la capital del Estado. El régimen destruyó a Pdvsa y hoy el pueblo paga las consecuencias. #VzlaSinGasolina pic.twitter.com/faSJdunObq
— PJ Yaracuy (@PJYaracuy) May 16, 2019
En Lagunillas Edo Zulia, cuatro días haciendo cola #VzlaSinGasolina pic.twitter.com/WzOfL318Mj
— Venezuela (@nayisalazar) May 16, 2019
Así está Venezuela…
¡Caos por surtir gasolina!#VzlaSinGasolina#17May@LucioQuincioC @LuisOlavarrieta pic.twitter.com/TrzQmCAuap— (E) (@SoyEdgar77) May 17, 2019
Even in the worst economic times
They’ve very nearly caught up to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in their efforts to reduce the national carbon footprint!
[…] In my last post, I forgot to mention that in Venezuela, gasoline is sold heavily subsidized. This bill was making the twitter rounds this afternoon and it is very illustrative of Socialism madness. […]