Via Aesop.

RICHMOND, Va. (WHSV) — The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic does not change legislative calendars, and this coming weekend still marks the deadline for Governor Ralph Northam to take action on any bills passed in the General Assembly, which adjourned just last month, before sweeping changes due to COVID-19 took hold in Virginia.
On Friday, Gov. Northam announced that he signed a range of gun control bills, many of which passed in the final days of the General Assembly session in March, into law.

The bills signed by the governor on Friday are:

• Senate Bill 70 and House Bill 2, which establish universal background checks in Virginia
• Senate Bill 240 and House Bill 674, which establish an Extreme Risk Protective Order, allowing authorities to temporarily take guns away from people deemed to be dangerous to themselves or others
• Senate Bill 69 and House Bill 812, which reinstate Virginia’s one-handgun-a-month law
• House Bill 9, which requires gun owners to report their lost or stolen firearms to law enforcement within 48 hours or face a civil penalty.
• House Bill 1083, which toughens the penalty for leaving a loaded, unsecured firearm in a reckless manner that endangers a child
Northam proposed amendments for other bills without signing them into law, including:

• Senate Bill 35 and House Bill 421, which give local governments more authority to ban guns in public spaces, like public buildings, parks, recreation centers, and during permitted events
— The governor requested amendments clarifying the exemption included in the bill for institutions of higher education
• Senate Bill 479 and House Bill 1004, which bar people with protective orders against them from possessing firearms and require them to turn over their guns within 24 hours
— The governor requested amendments recommended by the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance to allow judges to hold the person in contempt of court if they fail to comply

Gov. Northam signs gun control bills into law

So yes, the March they had in Virginia was pretty and thrilling, but useless.  Virginia jumped three decades back on Gun Rights. And God knows if they will ever get it all back again.

This is why we get involved soon and strongly when it comes to elections and legislation. This is why I abhor stupid unnecessary displays of tactical mental masturbation, they are a waste of time and even ammunition for the other side.

Let’s start to prepare for the elections in November, shall we?


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Virginia: Gov. Northam signs gun control bills into law”
  1. GOV: “Quick everybody, let’s take away their rights while we’re in lockdown and if they gather to protest we can arrest them.”

    VA Dems: “BRILLIANT!!!”

  2. I’m not happy with what did get passed, but it would have been far worse if we hadn’t been there and the bills passed as written. The AWB was stopped completely for the year. Stay tuned for VCDL’s lawsuit against the governor’s executive order shutting down indoor ranges.

  3. “Pretty useless” Not at all. The Scary Looking Gun ban and a bunch of other terrible bills were likely to pass until Virginians came out and protested. They flipped 4 Dems on the Scary Looking Gun ban alone.

    So yeah, it was definitely useful to have the rally.

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