The HuffPost has this cute little flashy/interactive thingie graphic to show us the horrors of “Gun Violence” since Sandy Hook. The intensity of the red apparently shows us the wholesale killings by guns across our grand nation.
Obviously I noticed the deep long red smear that covers the Miami Dade area & close-by counties. I also noticed that the Chicago area deep red smear was smaller.
I said to myself: “You must not have heard about the monstrous killings that have happened in the southern capital of the Gunshine State! HuffPost would never lie or manipulate a graphic to make it look bad. Check them numbers!” And I did, I moused over and I got the following informative pop-up for Miami:

Logic tells us that if Miami’s red smear is that big for 16 killings, Chicago’s smaller red smear should mean that they had many less killings in the same period, right? So I did the mouse-over thing and .. surprise!

Miami at 16 deaths versus Chicago at 71 deaths. Wait! What’s going on? [snicker]
The Opposition knows that the time of appealing via feelings is over and that with calmer heads and statistics, they are getting their collective rear ends kicked. Chicago is an embarrassment and they need to somehow diminish its bad example so they waste no time playing loose with the information. Of course they are having problems trying to hide the bodies that keep piling up and people are so fed up with President Obama’s anointed child, mayor Rahm Emanuel that they are calling him The Murder Mayor.
In the meantime Florida, the Gunshine State, the scourge of Gun Control activists keeps lowering its violent crime numbers while more of its citizens enjoy the keeping and bearing of arms.
The longer they lie, the faster they will fall. Unfortunately the stubbornness of gun control politicians is measured in innocent victims of criminals. But same as with our tax money, they are not concerned about the cost since they are not the ones paying the ultimate price.
Hat Tip to the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence for providing me with more ammunition to sink them
Hell last time they forgot chicago all together
I must be missing something but isn’t the moused over red circle for Chicago correspondingly bigger than it is for Miami? The smaller circles in the Chicago area that you’re referencing are the suburbs of that city. Just like the smaller circles within in the Miami circle represent suburbs like Hialeah. Like I said, maybe I’m missing something. If so, I blame it on Monday morning.
The moused over is….. but you have to mouse it over to see it. At plain sight of the original graphic makes Miami look twice as violent as Chicago.
The anti’s know the low information voter will only look at all the red and have their normal knee-jerk reaction and look no further. They also know that the low information voter will not look for the information themselves nor think for themselves. The public school indoctrination centers have done a good job of turning out plenty of low information voters. I thank God that He gave me the ability for critical thinking and was able to escape the brainwashing.
Thanks Miguel and all your fellow Patriots for working hard and showing everyone who they really are and what they really intend to do.
I’d really like to see that map(with corrected circle sizes) overlaid with
A: a population density map
B: a county party-vote map
I’m predicting a very strong correlation between gun deaths, population centers, and Blue districts.
(because as we’ve all learned in the past couple of months, Democrats cause crime.)
Yeah, and they really don’t want to hear that the mass killers are liberal democrats. But you can bet you would if one was a conservative republican. You don’t have to be a psych major to be able to draw a conclusion as to who we need to be watching!
They don’t need an actual Conservative gunman. They just pick a random gunman and declare him to be a Conservative.
That’s what they did the last few shootings, anyway.
There are so many variations out here, but you mean something like this? Ones where the big red Death Circles seem to magically align to the Big Blue Population centers?
Something exactly like that, yes!
I wonder how many of these deaths were suicide? How many were shot by police? How many were gang-related? How many were by registered gun-owners? CCW? I actually looked up some of the names, and nearly every one (could have just been coincidence, I admit) were gang members, or had previous arrest records, etc. Numbers by themselves don’t begin to tell much of a story. Interesting, as well, was the day with the highest number of gun-related deaths–New Year’s Day. You know–the day when the least amount of drinking, drug use, and partying takes place in our country.
What is really sad is how Detroit is shown. 50 deaths and 34 of the 50 are UNKNOWN, nameless dead. The city is run so poorly, they cannot even name the people murdered in that city?
How likely are their murderers going to be caught and convicted if they cannot even identify the victim’s name?
No one in Detroit is interested in the murderers being caught, just like Chicago. For the same reasons — it’s mostly gang thug “culture”.