By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Voter Fraud Logo”
  1. They vertical spike is reported to have been caused because someone made a typographical error. They added a zero at the end of a number.

    I’ll take it as a given that it was an honest mistake. My issue is that nobody caught it until it was splashed all over the internet as proof of cheating. Only then was the “mistake” corrected.

    How many other mistakes are being made that are not being caught and corrected?

    1. I have not actually seen the stats that show it *was* retracted. All the current running totals I can find still have the “irregularity” counted in. Does anyone have a link to updated numbers that remove those counts from the totals? (because I would love to see that.You will note that this bump is when Biden pulled ahead, and I never saw the numbers corrected to show Trump in the lead again. . . )

    2. The spikes happened in Michigan AND Wisconsin. 128k in one and 138k in the other. The 138k was due to a typo by a third party vote tracking site, but the 128k spike remains real.

      People are conflating the two.

  2. “I’ll take it as a given that it was an honest mistake.”

    I think it was last year when I made the commitment of stop giving the other side the benefit of the doubt

  3. It is now the logo of the United States electoral process from now on. Expect this to be the new normal.

    Just wait until the exact same thing happens in 2022 to make sure they take over the Senate.And in 2024 to make sure they win the presidency again, super majority in the Senate and super majority in the house. One that will literally never end until This country stops being the United States.

  4. It may have been a honest mistakes.
    But when all “mistakes” favour on party, what does is matter?

    Wasn’t it the documents for the FISA-warrant that had 17 “mistakes” in it that lead to the warrant because all “mistakes” lead in the same direction?

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