I did some serious pruning and I took the “plant matter” to a nearby waste disposal location. I had to stop because they were loading the disposed washers/driers/water heaters with one of them mechanical claws/grips and dumping them in another truck effectively blocking the road. I found it funny as in a real life version of the arcade machine, so I whipped out my phone and took several quick pics that did not come out right: my lens was smeared or something, but I did not notice then. Only one pic came out half ass decently.

I was told to move and drive thorough the lawn close to the truck as to get the customers moving, so I did and got located in the appropriated slot in the ramp. Once I dumped the refuse, I pulled the phone again to take other pics and maybe share it in the blog when I was shouted to stop by some sort of supervising person who very self-righteously informed me it was prohibited.

I looked at him initially as if he was joking, but I asked why and he just repeated it was prohibited. I made several comments about the county going to hell if and what the hell was so secret about a tax-payer funded facility open to the public. Then I just got in my vehicle and left.

The Top Secret Dumping Facility as seen in Google Street View. Wait, did they break the “law”?

As I was departing Loud  Supervising Authority inside a county pick up truck, I looked at him doing a shaking of the head and left the facility. About 3 blocks later, I notice the same pick up behind me and initially chalked it to coincidence, but then the guy started to match my driving which raised my alert level to “What the fuck is this asshole doing? Following me? Level. I have serious issues with people following me from previous bad experiences

At a stop light, he got right behind me, pulled what appeared to be legal pad folder and seemed to be writing down my license plate. I had to chuckle a bit at the County Waste Disposal Detective and figured that now that he acquired such precious information, he’d leave me alone. No such luck, the asshole continued behind me.

Obviously allowing him to follow me home was out of the question, so I decided to use a true and tried strategy from my old times in Venezuela: Have him follow me to the nearest police precinct.  But alas! the dumb fuck lost me in traffic when he caught a light and I could not slow down and wait for him because of traffic. I still took roundabout ways to make it home while checking I had nobody behind me.

I am trying to figure out what I did or said to make County Waste Disposal Detective engage in stupid behavior.  I doubt anything will come out of it.

And the answer to your question is: Yes, I was. I don’t leave home without it.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Waste Disposal Detective Story.”
    1. He was wearing a mask… Now, if he goes stupid and cops get involved… Trust me, I have something he is not excepting I do, specially if he is truly a supervisor

  1. A good indication of a petty tyrant is refusal to explain oneself and instead opting to repeat the order.
    An honest man would at least give a reason, even if it’s superficial (“just doing my job”, etc). A wannabe lord simply demands to be obeyed without reason.

  2. MANY people have no clue about the legalities of photography. You were at a public facility where all activities were visible and did not infringe on privacy. A lot of times, people seem to think because they don’t like it, that you need a “release” (wrong) or permission for them to be photographed. The dude was simply wrong and you didn’t need any permission.

    A couple of years ago, I was doing a series of photographs as my city’s City Hall was being torn down and the foreman came up and started interrogating me and a city councilman who was also taking shots. He said “You cannot put these on the internet or any social media and have to delete them if you have.” WRONG. The city councilman “obeyed” him, but I did not. He then came up with this doozie: “You can’t post them because they could be taken out of context and make it appear that there are OSHA violations.”

    Yeah, I posted them.

    1. “You can’t post them because they could be taken out of context and make it appear that there are OSHA violations.”

      Ding-ding-ding…. I suspect much the same in my case.

  3. You might want to prepare for the worst case scenario, up to a middle of the night visit from the Police SWAT Team. You obviously engage in wrong think by running this blog.

    Brief the wife, make sure you both have the phone numbers of the lawyers and your local friends. Send the lawyer any information you have about this incident. Sweep the house for anything that could appear illegal or illicit, check for expired prescription opioids, etc. inventory and photos of the guns and the ammo in the house, and give a copy of them to a friend and your lawyer. Let friendly neighbors know about this. Ask them to photograph any strange happenings in the neighborhood and at your house.

  4. You should have called 9-1-1. “Ma’am I thought he worked for the county but now he’s following me all over the place and I’m scared! He must be some sort of a stalker or pervert. Or maybe worse, maybe he stole a government truck!

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