This is the official text I am supposed to tell you:
Late last week we made the decision to move to a new hosting service. Originally it was going to take place in the December time frame. We’ve moved it up to ASAP.
Our new hosting provider is working with us in getting everything configured and working as well as possible. As part of that process they have made sure our software is up-to-date and they have done a little analysis on the speed of the site.
We are currently following some of their recommendations to speed up the site. This means that some of the pretties on the site are changing and some buttons that nobody was using have been removed. So far this has resulted in a noticeable improvement in the load times. In some tests as much as 33% faster. Which is huge when you consider how slow the site was.
Damn, that was nicely put. Now My wording: The dumbasses at HostGator literally broke my balls once again and I was about to call the whole blogging thing off when a reader who is into this webhosting thing offered to help with a superior deal and his expertise. The assholes of Host gator were pushing me to go to a higher priced plan and AnonymousWebHost Angel (AWA) is pretty much offering me the same stuff for the same price I am paying now for this inferior service plus his personal expertise which has been tested patiently the last couple of days. And to make it even better, he is charging me a pittance to what he usually charges his clients: $5 a month rather than his usual $40 fee.
Personally I don’t like that. Trust me guys, what AWA has done so far for preparations is worth his full price. So, here I go again:

I opened another fundraiser via GoFundMe and a number that I reckon should cover AWA’s fees for the year and full hosting, possibly two whenever HostGator refunds me what’s left of my account with them.
I’ll place a button/link on the right and I will pester you from time to time and if you don’t mind.
And thank you in advance for your help.

PS: There is also the option of PayPal and you can find it in the right column.
Looks like other people are moving, too. Come back to Nashville! Except not Nashville proper, one of the outlying counties.
Add 10 bucks to the total…when I get some fall projects done Ill send ya some more
Dunno if I used my Witless Protection name, or my real name, but I already sent you $10. (via PayPal)
Done – and thank you!
I threw in a couple shekels. You and JKb are a daily read for me (sometimes more than once a day).
I am happy to pay for good content.
Dun. 🙂
$20 in. *hat tip*
I chipped in $10 so I’ll still have a place to post annoying comments.
Just FYI, maybe it just has something to do with the changing over or something, but for several hours last night every time I tried to load any page on your blog it would just come up with a page saying “internal server error, please try again later”. I tried four hours later and it was still doing it, but today it seems to be working okay again.
That was me changing something that I shouldn’t. The Troglodite already gave me well deserved hell for it 😀