By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “We are so screwed…..”
      1. Sometimes humor is all we got. I’m getting to the point between the political shit sandwich and the bickering over semantics in the gun community that my sarcasm generator and love of dry humor are being assimilated into one giant collective of I don’t give a #&$@

  1. Irradiated? Flesh-eating? Classified spewing?

    Air Force units may also be directed to combat said CLASSIFIED due to their ENORMOUS SIZE and other-worldly strengths?

    WTH?!!1!1!?? Break out the .50 Cal Machine gun assault bullet clip rifles. WTH is up with cpans’ logo, that looks like an onion. Hmmm…

  2. I like how “Civilians and military will be trained in the combat of *classified*”

    I’m a fan of the Onion. They seem to be a bit more right-leaning than most comedy channels, and they seem to be more accurate than most mainstream media news.

  3. None of it should be classified!

    People should know the potential threats that Iran and other terrorist regimes pose to us with WMDs and conventional attacks. It would shut up our liberal pacifist idiots and get a few more people involved with preparations and a lot more people buying guns.

    1. AMEN.

      “Sorry dudes – too much is classified for us to allocate monies to your pet project. Pound sand”

  4. What are these ASSHOLES voting on ? That it’s CLASSIFIED ? What BULLSHIT a new Bill of Rights? If you listen it sounds like they are ready to declare war on the American Public using police,air force army,etc.,etc.,etc.

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