

We on the Right have been saying the Left are socialist.  Which is true.  But we’ve been focused on the wrong socialism.

Soviet Communism and Germany National Socialism we’re both socialism, carried out in different ways.

Lenin and Stalin practiced Marxism. They had the peasantry rise up and kill the wealthy elite.  The problem with that was the Bolshiveks who took over the farms and businesses had no idea how to run them and the results were massive shortages and famines.

Hitler took a different approach.  He recruited the business leaders into the party (except for Jews and other undesirables).  The party had more control over them, but the successful (and loyal) business leaders reminded in control.  As a result, the elites who swore loyalty to him and the Nazi party remained elites.

Our nation has gone much more down the path of German National Socialism than Soviet Communism.

We’re not killing the Ivy League graduates at the top and replacing them with know-nothing revolutionaries.  We’re making the Ivy League graduates at the top Woke Leftist party loyalists.  They go Woke and stay elite and protected.

The government is actively killing small businesses and transferring wealth to mega corporations that they have more control over, lead by Woke party loyalists.  The COVID lockdowns were the largest wealth transfer from the poor, working, and middle class to the rich in history.  The lockdowns killed small businesses while growing Amazon and big box stores which were exempt.  Small landlords are being bankrupted while assets companies worth billions and trillions become the largest property owners in America.

We are becoming a nation of mega corporations run by party loyalists who have greater and greater control of every aspect of our lives, while the government has more and more influence in central economic planning, e.g. what sorts of energy generation technology we can use, what sorts of vehicles we can buy, etc.

We should have realized that they called us Nazis out of pure projection.



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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “We’ve been looking at the wrong dictator for precedent, and they’ve been giving us clues”
  1. The Chinese also copied the system of the Nazis.

    The only thing were the “Fascists Of Our Time” are failing: They try to declare the biggest part of the populace as the Untermenschen. Both Nazis and Chicoms use(d) minorities as scapegoats. The FOUTs use the majority.

  2. “They” only control those who want to be controlled…
    Some of us don’t let others run our lives. I have no mortgage so “big bank” cant take my house. I have a truck payment- if big bank wants my truck they can fukkin HAVE it… you are only controlled by those you let control you.

      1. So can any number of local governments. You think the 4th Amendment prevents it? Dream on, or check the Kelo decision — best described as the 21st century’s SCOTUS version of the Dred Scott decision.

        And remember Kelo was decided before Warmism became a popular cult.

  3. I’ve been calling the left’s policies National Socialist since at least Clinton. Because they are.

  4. Not criticism, just curiosity –

    GunFreeZone is always full of misused word errors which look like typographical errors but are actually just the wrong word; examples in this post:

    “…Socialism we’re both socialism,…” (we’re instead of “were”.)

    “…the successful (and loyal) business leaders reminded in control. …” (“reminded” instead of “remained”.)

    “…more control over, lead by Woke party loyalists. ” (future tense “lead” instead of the past tense “led”.)

    Are you using speech-to-text to write these posts? No biggie, I’m just wondering.

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