I won’t bother you with analysis or explanations about the Election, not my field or expertise. Then again a boatload of “experts” got shafted like new convicts taking their first shower in the Big House.

I just want to make one little remark about Hillary’s last act as candidate: She sent John Podesta to address the crowd at her HQ who told them that they were not giving up and to go home and start fresh in the morning. At pretty much the same time or really close to it, she called Trump and conceded.

That tells you everything you need to know about her and why we are very lucky she is not the next President.

As for Trump, good luck and we expect you to perform and not as a politician, just get shit done.

In other news, about the only gun control group that has said anything was (amazingly) the Brady Campaign:


Then again right now is 4 AM and we know Gun Control groups keep office hours because they can’t pay overtime to the interns or let their part-timers go to a 40 hour week or they have to pay for health care.

I am sure the rest of the groups will chime in the morning once they found out they will not be invited to Hillary’s Inauguration.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “What a night!”
  1. Miguel,
    We owe you and your fellow bloggers a hearty Thank You! By consistently reminding us of the machinations of the anti-Second Amendment crowd over the last eight years, by energizing us to spread the word to others, and all of the rest, we narrowly averted an anti-freedom nightmare. Props, kudos, hat tips, and a hearty “well done!”

  2. I just want to make one little remark about Hillary’s last act as candidate: She sent John Podesta to address the crowd at her HQ who told them that they were not giving up and to go home and start fresh in the morning. At pretty much the same time or really close to it, she called Trump and conceded.

    That tells you everything you need to know about her and why we are very lucky she is not the next President.

    Exactly. She doesn’t respect her own supporters enough to break the news to them in a timely manner. She sends a lackey to string them along and send them away, and she’ll deliver her speech — eventually — from the safety of a press room.

    Which is pretty much how she’d run her Administration if she had won.

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