So what are the Democrats going to do when they are done stealing every Senate seat they can?

Democrats Plan to Pursue Most Aggressive Gun-Control Legislation in Decades

Democrats say they will pass the most aggressive gun-control legislation in decades when they become the House majority in January, plans they renewed this week in the aftermath of a mass killing in a California bar.

Their efforts will be spurred by an incoming class of pro-gun-control lawmakers who scored big in Tuesday’s midterm elections, although any measure would likely meet stiff resistance in the GOP-controlled Senate.

Expect that the Democrats are good at playing long ball.  There are several Republican Senators up for reelection in 2020 in states that went for Clinton in 2016.

Susan Collins is up for reelection in Maine in 2020.  Corey Garnder is up in Colorado, and I firmly believe that Shannon Watts will run against him.  It would be the zenith of Bloomberg’s bankrolling of her to get her to overturn a Republican Senate seat in an increasingly Blue state.  I always thought that a seat in the House was too small potatoes for her and Bloomberg.

So there is potential for the Democrats to flip a couple of soft Republicans to yes votes on gun control in the hopes that they (the GOP) will keep those Blue state Senate Seats.

“This new majority is not going to be afraid of our shadow,” said Mike Thompson, a California Democrat who is chairman of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force. “We know that we’ve been elected to do a job, and we’re going to do it.”

Mr. Thompson, who represents a district in the Napa Valley north of San Francisco, said he plans to introduce legislation mandating universal background checks in the opening weeks of the new Congress.

The Democrats are looking to make California the standard for the US.

Newly ascendant Democrats are promising congressional action on gun control amid a rash of mass shootings, including a late-night assault at a California bar that killed 12 people.

Measures including expanded background checks and a ban on assault-style weapons are likely to reach the House floor when Democrats retake control after eight years of Republican rule.

“The American people deserve real action to end the daily epidemic of gun violence that is stealing the lives of our children on campuses, in places of worship and on our streets,” said Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, the Democratic leader who is running for a second stint as House speaker.

Pelosi vowed to push for a range of actions to stem gun violence, including restrictions on high-capacity magazines and a measure allowing temporary removal of guns from people deemed an imminent risk to themselves or others.

To put it bluntly, we’re fucked.  Short of the Supreme Court ruling that an AWB or magazine capacity ban is imminent, we’re fucked.

We can fight it.  I just fear that the Democrats are going to cheat themselves into another victory.

The only chance we have here is for Trump to get one more Justice on the Court before it’s too late.


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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “What the Democrats will do with their new power”
  1. If you are curious as to what America will look like when the Democrats regain power, look to California, New York, and Washington State. In California and New York, the liberal Governors now have majorities in their states, so anything goes. Here in New York, Red Flag Laws are a certainty. I wish they’d stop there, but they aren’t going to. I’ve heard rumblings of “full long gun registration”. Of course, registration failed miserably with “assault rifles” and would be met with similar failure of all long guns, but that won’t stop them. I’ve heard they are going to try to make all pistol permit holders sign a waiver to give the state full access to the permit holder’s medical records. This is completely illegal, but it won’t stop them. I don’t expect mass compliance with this, either.

    My understanding is that Washington just rebranded all semi-auto rifles as “assault rifles”. Maybe someone here can verify that, I’m too preoccupied with the impending doom here in NY to be up to snuff on Washington. But if this is the case, the next thing we will see is a full semi-auto ban.

    The Supreme Court is ostensibly in a position to help us. RBG should retire, but even if she doesn’t, at 85 with broken ribs, things don’t bode well for her. If we get another solid Conservative, then things look better. But will they help? It’s scary that we are likely going to be forced to place our faith in an institution that could ignore us entirely, and even if it doesn’t, is likely going to be ignored as “illegitimate” by power hungry liberal tyrants like Cuomo and Newsom.

    1. Washington State Initiative Measure No. 1639 defines: “”Semiautomatic assault rifle” means any rifle which uses any portion of the energy of a firing cartridge to extract the fired cartridge case and chamber the next round, and which requires a seperate pull of the trigger to fire each cartridge. ”

      Eat your heart out…..

      Nous Defions

  2. Washington State democrats have already stated in interviews that with the success of i1639 they will go before the people with additional initiatives and legislation to further the gun controls they have in mind. Starting day one of the coming year.

    They are never happy. They are never satisfied. They are never without want to control. Take. Take. Take…..

    We live in interesting times.

    Nous Defions

    NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER QUIT THE FIGHT. WE STILL HAVE THE SENATE AND TRUMP. They had the house. Senate and obammy. What happened? Nothing. Stay the fight get serious. Get INVOLVED. Join ANY gun rights group. Ya it takes time and effort. Aint freedom worth it?? It is to me

    1. See my next post. This is why I am ready for the Great National Divorce or perhaps Civil War 2.0.

      I’m tired of fighting all the time. The 2018 election is over, except in Florida and Arizona, and already we are on to 2020.

      If it is going to be this for the rest of my life, I am honestly ready to just start stacking Democrat bodies up like firewood so that at the end of that two year fight, I don’t have to worry about it again for a while.

      1. I know whatcha sayin Sir. It wears ya down. But thats how they win. I wont let em.
        If it gets to be stackin time, save me a place down south. Thats where im headin someday anyway

        1. Sorry, the South is not what it was. Still a lot of Rednecks and Good Ole Boys, but more than a few New South Progressives. Think Ted Turner, without the love of his homeland.
          Where are they coming from – a whole lot from OH and other parts north. And, they bring in their superior attitudes, their areligious heritage, and their un-civil manners (if the way they act can be called “manners”)
          Better to stay where you are – you have the advantage of allies, knowledge of the surroundings, and the other support systems you will need.

  4. IMHO it will grind on and on until some black swan event really takes the rag off’n the bush and things get sporty. I figure if I live long enough to empty the first magazine I will do enough clang/ honk/ tweet pay for myself. (Old and handicapped, not up to force recon.)

  5. Check out what just dropped:

    H. R. 7115 (H. R. 7115 3D)

    Prohibition on sales of uppers and lowers an parts for “assault weapons” and machineguns
    and the marking/serial numbers of.

    Joyous comings.

    Nous Defions

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