What will the future look like?

I don’t know and that scares the fuck out of me.

If Trump wins, that will be utterly predictable.  The Left has already told us what they will do.

What really scares me is what happens if Biden wins.

First of all, the Left projects constantly.  Just assume that every single thing they accuse Trump and his supporters of being or doing is what they want to be and do.

They have been screaming that Trump is a fascist and if he gets his way he will set up concentration camps for his disliked groups, mainly Hispanics and gays.

We know our history of the Left.  They believe that they can execute their way into utopia.  Several Leftists have even dropped the projection and come right out advocating for Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and concentration camps for Trump supporters.

They accuse us of being Nazis and Fascists but when you look at Antifa, they act exactly like Hitler’s Brownshirts and Mussolini’s Blackshirts with the violence, the beatings, the intimidation, even the political assassinations.

Will Biden be sworn in and immediately mobilize the National Guard to start rounding up registered Republicans.  No, of course not.

In one of the scariest videos I’ve ever seen, Federal employees explained how they could scuttle the government.  They talked about it in terms of a Trump victory, but what about a Biden victory?

What happens when Antifa goes from marching in the streets yelling “wake up motherfuckers wake up” to going into homes and dragging out and/or killing people inside who have Trump paraphernalia, pro-Trump social media posts, or are accused of being Trump voters?

In Portland, 90% of riot arrests have been dropped.

Resistance by omission.

All it would take is for Antifa to be given a pass for anything, including murder.  No arrests, no prosecutions.

What about local prosecutors who try?  They will be fired, arrested, or killed by Antifa.

Contrary to Miguel’s after election rules, and like what happened to the McCloskyes and Kyle Rittenhouse, anyone who uses force (especially a gun) to defend themselves from Antifa would be punished to the fullest extent of a Leftist kangaroo court.

As people have pointed out, in sports, the worse riots take place after a victory, not a loss.

If Trump loses, I suspect the media, social media, and Democrats (redundant, I know) will engage in a victory celebration that will be somewhere between Kristallnacht and the Rwandan summer of 1994.

I truly believe that the worse violence will come from a Trump loss.  The Left will ask the question: “what is the final solution to the problem of Republicans ever gaining power again?”  Currently, the Trump administration and some local politicians are willing to take on Antifa and the mob.  If Trump loses, I suspect there will be nobody at the federal level who will want to stop the mob.  Antifa unchecked.

Maybe I’m being paranoid and negative, but I don’t believe that the Left will look at Trump supporters and say “we won fair and square, let’s let bygones be bygones.”

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “What will the future look like?”
  1. “I truly believe that the worse violence will come from a Trump loss.”

    They will take all their violent actions and lack of consequences (to them) in the years running up to this as proof of success and righteousness in their cause.

  2. “Contrary to Miguel’s after election rules, and like what happened to the McCloskyes and Kyle Rittenhouse, anyone who uses force (especially a gun) to defend themselves from Antifa would be punished to the fullest extent of a Leftist kangaroo court.”

    Yes, that is the way will happen. Make Self Defense illegal and then have their shock troops attack.

    That is the way it worked in Venezuela and countless other places.

    That means 3 out of the 4 boxes failed.

    Then it will be Flip-Switching, Black Flag-Raising time.

  3. Like Miguel said, once they go full-bore “self-defense is not allowed” is when we stop caring about the law as well, and those who push it to that point become legitimate targets of a lot of people with nothing to lose.

    I pray it doesn’t come to that

    1. Yep. They’re bent on removing the laws that protect defenders. They haven’t yet realized that those same laws are also there to protect attackers, to keep “self-defense” from going too far.

      Remove one protection, you remove both. Once the “stay out of jail” option is gone, and the choice becomes “live in jail or die right here”, they’ll be surprised how many will choose the third option: “take as many of you f@#$ers with me as I can”.

      When “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t” meets “In for a penny, in for a pound”….

  4. Yeah why in all these post do you keep talking about law? This is why the right has lost this contry. Worrying about “the law” is only going to make destroying our country easier. When the kentic party starts you put down everyone, you fight untill you win or die. The only crime in war is losing

    1. The law will be enforced the first few times until it all comes apart. I don’t see anyone lining up to be the first few sacrifices to go to prison for defending themselves against the mob.

      1. Mike Strickland is already in prison, found guilty of 20+ felonies for pulling his gun (not shooting, just presenting) at the approaching, threatening mob. He was filming the “protest”. Police were on-site but told him they wouldn’t intervene. The camera was running the whole time; it’s all on tape. The mob members making the threats and in some cases physically attacking him had their charges dropped, “in the interest of justice”.

        The hyper-partisan state appeals courts all affirmed the convictions, having found no wrongdoing in the charges, evidence, facts, procedures, etc.

        The law is coming apart, being selectively enforced into meaninglessness. The self-defense law was litigated into nothing here and provided zero protection.

        Point is, we’re already there.

  5. Thought experiment.

    What if Biden Harris win, but do not get a majority in the Senate? And, the House swings a bit toward the Republicans? (Perhaps not a majority, but closer to even?)

    Additionally, we are talking Federal here. There are State legislatures and Governorships on the line here as well. What difference will there be between a solid red state and a solid blue state? God help anyone supporting a conservative candidate in Portland or Seattle. On the other hand, leftists in Austin will likely be able to go about their lives unimpeded.

    Final thought.
    There is a lot of unhappiness on the left side of the political aisle people because of the riots, BLM, Antifa, and the politicians that support them. How many minority owned businesses were destroyed, and the Mayor said “Too bad, so sad…” to the owner. It is all well and good to call looting “repartitions” until it is your stuff that is being redistributed. 2020 caused a LOT of liberals to rethink their political positions.

    Point is a leftist Mayor, DA, Governor, or whatever can only go so far and do so much to damage self defense laws, and citizen rights in those cities. One or two cases where a person defending themselves is jailed can be ignored, but wholesale destruction of self defense will not be acceptable, even to the hardcore leftists calling for punishments for wrong think.

    Remember, these are toddlers. They act and reason like toddlers. Destroying their toys during a tantrum does eventually catch up with them.

    1. In that case, Harris will dust off the Obama pen & phone and inflict whatever communist stuff she can think up. And Congress won’t be able to do anything about it.
      The one hope left in that case is SCOTUS, now that Roberts can no longer pervert the court’s opinions by himself.

    2. What if Biden Harris win, but do not get a majority in the Senate?

      What pkoning said. There a LOT of harm they could do within the administrative/executive branch, without involving Congress (which voted years ago to give that power to the executive).

      The ATF could be directed via Executive Order to interpret the NFA’s “readily convertible to automatic” line to cover all semi-autos, and block all imports that don’t have a clear “sporting purpose” (interpreted as narrowly as possible).

      The FBI could be directed via Executive Order to infiltrate and investigate every gun group and gun club, and if ANYTHING is even slightly amiss, charge their members with insurrection, rebellion, and/or terrorism (which would send the cases to the sooper-seekrit FISA courts).

      The IRS could be directed via Executive Order to enforce tax codes against political opponents. Not directly, but by saying (for example) that a conservative church telling its members to “go vote” (just that, not for anything in particular), while knowing most of its members are conservative, is engaging in political activism and loses it’s “501(c)(3) non-profit organization” protections.

      The Department of Education could be directed via Executive Order to make socialist-style revisionist history a required element for a district to continue to qualify for federal funding.

      All of this power and more exists within current law. It just takes a slight change in the interpretations, which is well within the power of the executive branch to order. It’s a safe bet that Biden and/or Harris would be looking for every possible way to make their opponents suffer.

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