From CNN:

Buying a gun isn’t the answer to coronavirus

This was written by Igor Volsky, who is just a piece of shit.  He was the LGBT editor at ThinkProgress, director of the anti-gun organization Guns Down America, and vice president at the Center for American Progress, so you know just how much of a  Lefty he is.

He wrote an article I fled Soviet anti-Semitism: We need to fix lax gun laws as well as hate and bigotry, because the lesson he took away from the big-government persecution of the Jews was to disarm the Jews.

So now he wants to make sure that Americans are not going out and buying guns during the Coronavirus crisis.

Buying a gun isn’t the answer to coronavirus

It’s not an answer to the Coronavirus, it’s an answer to all of the other shit going down because of the Coronavirus.

Americans are responding to the growing coronavirus pandemic by stocking up on essentials like toilet paper, eggs, milk — and deadly guns and ammunition.  But all of that firepower is likely to do more harm than good, as Americans continue to grapple with the anxiety and uncertainty ahead.

I hope those guns and ammo are deadly because if I need them I’m going to be really disappointed if they are not.

Across the country, firearm shops are reporting a boom in sales, as customers line up to buy ammunition, handguns, shotguns, rifles — and even the deadliest of assault weapons.

Again, if the shit hits the fan so hard that I feel like I need an AR-15, I hope it’s deadly, that’s why I bought it.

Do these people understand how tools work?  When I need to drive a 16d framing nail through a 2×4, I want a 24 oz, hatchet handle framing hammer.  Having some putz tell me that I can only use a 5 oz upholstery hammer because the framing hammer is too big, scary, and dangerous is bullshit.

But doomsday preppers and gun enthusiasts aren’t the only ones buying the nation’s gun and ammo inventory. Anecdotal reports from gun shop owners suggest that first-time purchasers are also getting in on the action.

Apparently there are a lot of people who slammed face-first into the reality that a gun might be useful in a crisis situation.

For example, Gabriel Vaughn, the owner of Sportsman’s Arms in Petaluma, California, posted a video on Instagram, on March 14, noting a “huge influx in new, first-time buyers” and pleading with his regular clientele to be mindful of busy store staff during this period.

Petaluma is just north of San Francisco, another city that has jumped on the “no arrests during the Coronavirus” bandwaggon.

Similarly, Cole Gaughran of Wade’s Eastside Guns in Bellevue, Washington, reported an increase in first-time gun owners — particularly among the Asian-American community.

“The main thing I’m hearing is that they don’t want to get jumped because of their race,” he told The Trace.

Minorities who want to defend themselves are race traitors.  That’s the real problem.

The gun and ammunition rush could lead to a spike in firearm suicides and domestic violence incidents, however.

As Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva explained during a press conference on Monday, “buying guns is a bad idea.”

“You have a lot of people now who are at home, normally they’re not, cabin fever sets in and you have a crowded environment,” he said. “Weapons are not a good mix.”

LA is not arresting people and is letting criminals out early because they believe that criminals are a “vulnerable population.”  Now it seems that the LA Sheriff wants to protect these criminals from their future victims by telling people not to buy guns.

And, so, if the best way to stop the coronavirus pandemic is to listen to the guidance of health professionals and scientists, then Americans must also tune out the grifters who are using this crisis to sell more firearms and embrace the overwhelming and conclusive science around the dangers of gun ownership.

Self-sufficiency is now grifting.

The conclusive dangers about gun ownership he mentions are gun suicides and domestic violence.  However, he even states “suicides were almost twice as high in the high-gun states, even though non-firearm suicides were about equal.”  He has come to the conclusion that gun ownership causes suicide.  The data shows that suicidality is the same (that is total attempted suicides, not just successful suicides) meaning that guns only make suicide attempts more successful.  The issue here isn’t guns, it’s the underlying mental health of individuals.  A healthy person does not become suddenly suicidal because he buys a gun.  A mentally unhealthy person is more effective at ending his life with a gun than with pills.  British discovered this when they switch away from coal gas to natural gas for stoves.  The number of suicides went down while the number of attempts stayed the same.

The point is, people who are worried that they are going to be the victims of crime because the police are letting criminals walk during the Coronavirus outbreak are not likely to become suicidal just because they bought a gun.

I’m not trying to downplay suicide by any means.  But Volsky’s assertion seems to be that people concerned for their safety, with no other history of suicidal ideation or domestic violence are going to be more prone to it simply because they bought a gun.

If you’re looking to protect your family, continue to buy food and basic essentials as needed, not guns and ammunition — and then stay home.

Miguel and I have covered cities that are reducing arrests and releasing criminals because of the Coronavirus.

I covered Squad member Ayanna Pressley’s call for the release of Federal prisoners during the crisis.  The ALCU has jumped onto that bandwaggon.

So even if you don’t live near one of these Purge cities, you might be affected if the Federal government decides to start releasing criminals.

Furthermore, once the police start to get infected, how many active law enforcement officers will there be patrolling the streets?  We know that fewer cops means more crime, and we could see a lot fewer cops just due to infections.

God knows how or when this will all blow over but given the rate of social upheaval that is going on being prepared to defend yourself isn’t a bad idea.

Unless you are a Lefty that prioritizes the lives of criminals over citizens.


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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “When CNN tells you not to stockpile guns or ammo, you should stockpile guns and ammo”
    1. Oregon did over 5000 Background checks today, I heard over a million nation wide, sorry were coming for your TP.

  1. Funny, those that are scrambling to stock up on guns and ammo, are not those that are normally stocked with guns and ammo.

    If you have to do a mad scramble to stock up (on anything) it is too late.

    1. I am glad that a lot of formerly gun adverse people are out there buying guns, but wait till they take possesion of it and ask to buy some ammo for it. Good luck trying to find any 5.56 or 7.62×39. An empty gun won’t do you much good.

      1. When They buy,They should get a warning that a vote for a democrat is a vote for Their being disarmed.

  2. “Minorities who want to defend themselves are race traitors. That’s the real problem.”

    Of course.

    Seriously, if there were zero incidences of violence or prejudice, the minority would lose their victim card. Please talk rationally here.

  3. I triple-dog-dare señor Volsky to put a “Gun Free Zone” sign on his back yard today. I’ll even throw in some rolls of Charmin for his trouble.

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