This is about only those who want to get the vaccine. If you are against, please spare us the 10 million reasons why you are not getting yours.


The milestone comes as the US struggles with a slow rollout of its two coronavirus vaccines, with just 1 percent of the country given the first dose. In New York, once the epicenter of the pandemic, just 32 percent of doses delivered have wound up in residents’ arms.

Israel delivers 1M COVID-19 vaccines to 10 percent of population

And Florida is not doing any better either.  We need to get this system going and going faster.

My guess is that we no longer have people who have done mass vaccinations in our health system.  We no longer have vaccination events for stuff like polio and measles certainly nothing  nothing for other more “exotic” tropical diseases like the ones I grew up with.

An I may be an old fart, but having to get shots via a reservation website seems to me to be a waste of time and a way high tech approach to drive a simple nail.

We have amazing amounts of data at our disposal, specially where the biggest concentration of the elderly live. Announce via the media that there will be mass vaccinations for the elderly at locations to be announced in those neighborhoods and let people come to you.  Once you are satisfied you had enough seniors, then repeat the same type of visits by neighborhood for the other people. Do that for both doses and once you feel you had a sizeable group already treated, then use the vast network of pharmacies to get everybody else. There are some 23,000 plus Walmart pharmacies, Walgreens and CVS in the United States or 23,000 locations that could be used to deliver the vaccine. I am pretty sure we could get this done efficiently and comfortably for as long as it takes.

And please, dear Media: Stop wasting airtime doing the derangement/gotcha political crap and focus on informing people where and when to get the shots. In Florida, the elections are still 2 years away so you can safely invest a month or two assisting the people you purportedly want to help rather than throw propaganda as per your political masters.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “When medicine supersedes politics.”
  1. I’m old enough to remember when polio was a real threat among children. When the Salk, and later the Sabin vaccines became available, nearly every child was vaccinated within a month or so. Mass vaccinations were set up at schools, National Guard Armories (remember those), etc. and everybody lined up for their shot or sugar cube. Were there tragedies where some people got polio as a result of the live vaccine? Yes, but the numbers were minuscule compared to the number of children who contracted the disease prior to the availability of the vaccines. parents considered it to be a godsend to lessen the fear that your child might have to spend the rest of his life in a wheel chair, an iron lung, or even die young.

    1. I remember the day we got inoculated for smallpox. It was at school so all the kids were there. They went section by section till everybody (parents included) were accounted for.
      Of course there was that last asshole kid, afraid of needles, who hid from everybody and had all teachers and parents looking for him and was the last one to get the puncture 2 hours after everybody else was done. No needles were involved.
      No comment.

  2. Nobody is “inoculated” by receiving the vaccine. The “vaccine” is only meant to lessen the symptoms. Even if you were truly “inoculated” by this so-called vaccine, inoculation still wouldn’t take place until after the second dose. This is a case study in fake news.

    1. Joe: yep, you’re entirely correct. Every single time as a nurse that I administered tetanus vaccine, or rabies vaccine, I *TOTALLY* thought, “yep, this is only gonna reduce the symptoms of this lethal disease!”

      Uh. nsvfm. Sarcasm, off.

  3. Efficiency and speed is not their goal. They need to rigidly follow the process, and guidelines. “Today we will inoculate the people in Category 1A2 at Shady Rest. In two weeks we will inoculate the people in Category 1B1 at Shady Rest.”

    They inoculated the staff at my parents’ Assisted Living facility last week, they may inoculate the elderly residents (the folks mostly likely to die from the Chinese Coronavirus) next week or the week after.

    Then they have to return AGAIN to inoculate the staff a second time and again to inoculate the residents a second time.

    Check the box. Don’t think outside it.

  4. Maybe if the politicians and unelected officials stop talking about prioritizing the shots, and actually started injecting people that might be a very different situation.

    In my state, they have only distributed about 25% of the shots because none of the idiots in charge can decide who gets it first. Medical personnel, no the elderly, no first responders, no those with asthma/diabetes/HBP, no people of color, no… And on and on. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of doses sit in a freezer unused.

    The US has administered slightly over 1/3rd of the doses they have in inventory. That is a joke. There is no reason why every other country is lagging so far behind Israel. They have more than 12% of their population vaccinated. The next closest is Bahrain at a bit over 4%. The UK is a distant 3rd.

    Personal opinion, the overwhelming majority of countries are pissing away valuable time trying to virtue signal.

  5. There’s a principle at work here in the Media: Nothing good is allowed to happen as long as Orangemanbad is President.

    Then, nothing bad will happen in the People’s Democratic Republic of Dear Leader Harris.

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