I keep getting flashbacks to the damned book.

‘Thirty to forty group!’ yapped a piercing female voice.
‘Thirty to forty group! Take your places, please. Thirties to
Winston sprang to attention in front of the telescreen,
upon which the image of a youngish woman, scrawny but
muscular, dressed in tunic and gym-shoes, had already appeared.
‘Arms bending and stretching!’ she rapped out. ‘Take
your time by me. ONE, two, three, four! ONE, two, three,
four! Come on, comrades, put a bit of life into it! ONE, two,
three four! ONE two, three, four!…’

And people are paying $1,500 for the privilege of re-enact a chapter of 1984.

Sweet Jesus.

Update: Mobiouswolf mentioned that nobody is watching with those things. Unfortunately yes, they are. This is a bad copy of the latest ad I saw on TV today

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “When we (sadly) improved on 1984 (Updated: “You are not alone”)”
  1. Is… Is this something we even need as human beings??? All these problems in the world and entire civilizations going to hell in a handbasket, and some tech valley nerd said “but what if a mirror could be your personal trainer?”

    This is BS. I mad. I very mad.

  2. Masks to train us to obedience, a psyop to enhance the conditioning, now advertising to get us to pay for our own monitoring.

  3. I didn’t see anything to indicate it has a camera but it easily could, more likely it is voice controlled and is recording everything it hears like a Chromecast or Alexa. Makes me want to put one in the bathroom so they can listen to the day after my poor food choices.

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