He is not alone in the knee-weak crap. I have seen some alleged Republicans and “conservatives” in Twitter actually calling for similar shit. That is when I have to remind myself that NeverTrumpers and the GOP still hate Trump with all its might and politicians are really pond-scum-sucking animal.

PS: In the same thread, a current employee is now supporting the same idea. I contracted Florida Gun Center asking them if they will also be supporting a federally mandated raise in the age to buy a rifle.

I will wait for their answer.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “When you see an acquaintance become a Fudd.”
  1. When I was a 17 year old recruit, I was handed a full auto M-16. Yet 18 year old’s aren’t responsible enough to buy a semi auto rifle? What do some of these people use for brains?

  2. Raise the voting age to 25. If you’re not old enough to be a Congressman, you shouldn’t be able to vote for one. No college freshman socialist should be able to pull the lever. Once he or she is out of college and in the real world should they be able to vote.

    1. Heinlein had a number of nice recipes for deciding who should get the vote. One I liked was a simple test: solve a quadratic equation (with integer roots) before you vote. See “The Moon is a harsh Mistress”.

      1. In “Starship Troopers”, only those that had served active duty could vote and be full citizens — and only after they left the service. I thought that that was a good idea when I read the book back in 1965, and I still think it’s a good idea.

  3. I’m really not sure what the person was trying to say. They start off with not wanting “kids” to have the ability to buy guns, then they go on to state how in their day (whenever that was) “kids” DID have guns and there weren’t any issues like school shootings.

    So, which is it? Is it bad for “kids” to have guns, or isn’t it? Are they saying “kids” today can’t be trusted with guns but “kids” in his day could be? Were they quoting and responding to someone else, but didn’t make that clear? Or is this some sort of cognitive dissonance?

    1. When I was 11 years old (1966) I got a single shot 410 for my birthday. The next day, I took my shotgun and a box of shells, got on the bus and took it to school. No one got shot. I showed it to all my friends and through the day it sat at the back of the room where we hung up our coats. After school, I got back on the bus and took my gun and shells home.

      1. My dad and his friends walked to a one-room schoolhouse in the 1930’s. They used to bring their rifles to school and they leaned them along the wall under the coat rack. After school they hunted rabbit and squirrel on the way home. Amazingly, nobody was ever hurt.
        When will these idiots learn: it’s not the tool—it’s the human who wields it.

  4. Or as in the “Starship Troopers” movies, no Citizenship or rights until you served Military Service.
    A little extreme, but that is what the Democrats want.

  5. […] In a previous post, I wrote about an acquaintance supporting legislation for the sales of rifles to only those 21 and over as it was done in a  gun store he used to work for. An employee of the same store also jumped into the fray so I contacted the store and asked them about it. […]

  6. The next SOB who advocates that a “young adult” who can’t buy a beer but can buy a long gun better also be prepared to advocate equally as hard for raising the voting age back to 21. If that “young adult” can’t be adult enough to own firearms at 18 then they damn well are not anywhere close to being adult or educated or trusted enough to exercise the “right to vote.”

  7. If one can’t be trusted with one sort of gun, they can’t be trusted with any guns at all.
    And this is what we see in places like Australia, England, and others. First, the scary black guns go. Then the handguns, the rapid firing sporting guns, and so on.

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