Ken Urban, a playwright who teaches part time at Princeton University and voted Democratic, has made donations to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) on behalf of his parents as their Christmas gifts.
“My father was the Republican mayor of my small home town in New Jersey and spent his career in the navy reserve. My mother told me she would never vote for Hillary Clinton because they have a friend who works for the CIA who said she was ‘difficult’. And there are aunts and uncles and cousins in my family who voted for Trump,” said Urban.
He is ruing the fact that he and his boyfriend agreed, before the election, to attend a big family Christmas gathering for the first time in 20 years.
But the SPLC donations on behalf of his parents will take the sting out of it.
Wow, what an incredible display of maturity. It is another version of having somebody you hate added to a mailing list, but dumber because you are putting your own money and they are getting the tax deduction.
Well done, Ken. It shows who in the family got the brains and it is not precisely the one in Princeton.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack.
Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA.
I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed.
I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
“He is ruing the fact that he and his boyfriend agreed, before the election, to attend a big family Christmas gathering for the first time in 20 years.”
No doubt because they thought they’d be gloating about Hillary winning. Political douchebaggery in its purest form.
“Revenge donations” don’t seem to be a thing Republicans do. If I were to guess, it’s probably because Republicans are more likely to make donations to causes we think are beneficial in the first place, and don’t need the excuse of annoying someone else.
A while back, when Piers Morgan still had a show on CNN, I had pondered doing a little trolling of him on social media and was going to let him know that for every time he talked/posted about guns, I’d donate $5 to the NRA, and encourage other gun owners to do the same. I figured since I was going to be donating to them anyway, why not have a little fun and let Piers know how he’s helping out with it. I never got around to doing it, but that was probably the closest I ever came to making a “revenge donation”.
What’s better is taking out a NRA membership in the gun hater’s name. A pro-gun organization gets the money, the gun hater gets NRA mail, and NRA gets to pad its member numbers.
It’s like win-win-win. 🙂
You are evil… I like you 🙂
And add him to Dudley Brown’s mailing list as real punishment.
There was a guerilla campaign a while back to do this to Michael Bloomberg. I can’t remember who organized it, but the idea was to continuously order memberships in his name and have them sent to him, presumably to his business address. I’d like to think some intrepid compatriot got a hold of his home address and had a membership sent there, but we may never know.
It certainly shows how he feels about his parents. Sort of a teenage mentality feeling the need to get in a poke of some sort. Its especially hurtful considering nothing good will come of it.
Nothing but bullies.
I believe whoever actually makes the donation gets the deduction, but tax law has never been my strong suit;)
/Spelling Nazi ON/- Sir, one “N: in “Whiny”. Otherwise, he’s the noise a horse makes. /Spelling Nazi OFF/.
I hope his parents donate his gifts to Habitat for Humanity… and let him know. I feel sad for them, having that as a son.
Fixed, thanks!
The Bible is clear that homosexuals will not be in Heaven. Who’s the smart one now?
So is the Koran
The thing to note here is that it’s not these guys’ homosexuality that’s going to keep them out of Heaven.
It’s their atheism.
Never got why lib babies are so upset about being denied entry to somewhere they don’t even believe exists. You think they’ll get upset if I tell them they can’t ride on my space ship?
Not even their atheism but the lack of Humanity. You don’t have to believe in God to act good, and He will take your actions in consideration rather than the label you wear.
No doubt because they thought they’d be gloating about Hillary winning. Political douchebaggery in its purest form.
“Revenge donations” don’t seem to be a thing Republicans do. If I were to guess, it’s probably because Republicans are more likely to make donations to causes we think are beneficial in the first place, and don’t need the excuse of annoying someone else.
A while back, when Piers Morgan still had a show on CNN, I had pondered doing a little trolling of him on social media and was going to let him know that for every time he talked/posted about guns, I’d donate $5 to the NRA, and encourage other gun owners to do the same. I figured since I was going to be donating to them anyway, why not have a little fun and let Piers know how he’s helping out with it. I never got around to doing it, but that was probably the closest I ever came to making a “revenge donation”.
What’s better is taking out a NRA membership in the gun hater’s name. A pro-gun organization gets the money, the gun hater gets NRA mail, and NRA gets to pad its member numbers.
It’s like win-win-win. 🙂
You are evil… I like you 🙂
And add him to Dudley Brown’s mailing list as real punishment.
There was a guerilla campaign a while back to do this to Michael Bloomberg. I can’t remember who organized it, but the idea was to continuously order memberships in his name and have them sent to him, presumably to his business address. I’d like to think some intrepid compatriot got a hold of his home address and had a membership sent there, but we may never know.
It certainly shows how he feels about his parents. Sort of a teenage mentality feeling the need to get in a poke of some sort. Its especially hurtful considering nothing good will come of it.
Nothing but bullies.
I believe whoever actually makes the donation gets the deduction, but tax law has never been my strong suit;)
/Spelling Nazi ON/- Sir, one “N: in “Whiny”. Otherwise, he’s the noise a horse makes. /Spelling Nazi OFF/.
I hope his parents donate his gifts to Habitat for Humanity… and let him know. I feel sad for them, having that as a son.
Fixed, thanks!
The Bible is clear that homosexuals will not be in Heaven. Who’s the smart one now?
So is the Koran
The thing to note here is that it’s not these guys’ homosexuality that’s going to keep them out of Heaven.
It’s their atheism.
Never got why lib babies are so upset about being denied entry to somewhere they don’t even believe exists. You think they’ll get upset if I tell them they can’t ride on my space ship?
Not even their atheism but the lack of Humanity. You don’t have to believe in God to act good, and He will take your actions in consideration rather than the label you wear.