Democrats and Liberals in full Gaslight mode.
Was it a collective hallucination induced by Trump? That has to be the answer right? There is no evidence that CRT even existed or that is a planned strategy fully prepared to take over schools and teach kids about Socialism Through Racism.
Hell, you can look online at the paper of record and cannot find mention of it, right?
And, of course, perish the thought that unscrupulous Liberals would latch to this CRT thing to make a side buck for themselves or their families.
I can see how that strategy is going to pay handsomely coming next elections.
When an enemy is making a mistake…..
VA dept of Ed has/had it on their website.
And spent money training in it.
Insults aside, this feels like they’re arguing semantics. Like saying CRT doesn’t exist because none of the material evidence has those exact words printed in them.
It’s always been a dishonest argument, but when has honesty ever been a priority to these people?
This is the fallacy of definitions (for lack of something else to call it).
CRT first entered academia in law schools saying all laws are racist and exist to perpetuate white supremacism.
That idea has been expanded so now in schools at every level, students are taught everything about society is racist and sexist and transphobic and everything perpetuates the white cisgender patriarchy.
But when people push back against that, the Left says “that’s not CRT because CRT is only taught in law schools.”
They define the term they way they need to, to nullify your argument.
The retort (that I’ve seen nobody use): If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck….
There’s a famous quote attributed to Huey Long: “Yes, we’ll have fascism in America, but it will be called anti-fascism”.
Obviously he anticipated Antifa. And the same trick has been adopted by racists who call themselves anti-racist, for example Kendi and the CRE propaganda piece you showed.
The narrative must be supported. There were probably people on the Titanic that refused to believe the ship sank, even after they were in the water. It was unsinkable!
Besides, it is human nature to internalize something, and cling to the belief when challenged. The folks on the left could not believe Trump managed to win the R nomination in 2016, so they had to make him into a monster. And, that became ingrained in their collective psyche. Trump is a racist, Trump is a white supremacist, Trump will outlaw abortion, Trump will start wars, Trump will ruin the economy, etc… etc… etc… And, by extension, anyone who supported Trump in even the most insignificant way was just as much of a monster.
When the boogie man they created in their own minds actually managed to win the election, they refused to acknowledge reality. Their Trump delusions had become part of them, a tenant of faith so to speak. Challenging their religion is a way to reinforce their beliefs.
I have the pleasure of received e-mails from the Dems regularly, and each and every one of them are about stopping Trumpism. Not about building the economy, making the US stronger, or helping each other out. Nope, it is about stopping any Republican that is even remotely in line with Trump.
And, Colbert is just one of hundreds of talking heads that are pushing the same thing.
A significantly better write up of exactly what I am saying.
“Their emotional attachment to ideology is why these avowed and ideological followers cannot be redeemed or coerced into reasonable positions with any logical argument. Instead, you must be re-educated to see their worth, to value their ideology… you, the person or group who stands in their way, will always be viewed as the problem.”
I can only hope that the leftists evaluate what happened this election, and decide the path forward is doubling down on identity politics, big government, and dismissal of anyone that disagrees with them.
Lying DemonKKKrats keep spouting lies, still? Shocker! /sarc
At least they’re are consistent on the fact that they lie constantly. RME
To quote the Instapundant joke- “CRT doesn’t exist, and it is awesome!”