I had decided to announce a 4-day weekend respite and cessation of blogging for the duration, but here have to come the idiots of the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence with another idiotic spot.


I have to laugh at the “deny his First Amendment Rights” when CSGV has no problem demanding Gun Owners be silenced and the NRA to be erased from the face of the earth in order to achieve their goals. But just listen to what this particular idjit has to say, you will get pissed off right off the bat.

Who do I want to shoot Mr. Diaz? That is easy: Nobody. I am sure as heck I don’t want to and it has never crossed my mind to joyfully dispose of a human life as if I was shredding old bills. Those of us who have seen violence up and close and have lived with the consequences know it NOT is a thing to do lightly.

But when we see a Government expanding its powers beyond what the constitution intended. When we see a Government that has no problems arming Drug Cartels to create a fictitious emergency and trample my Second Amendment Rights, when we see a Government that uses the power of the IRS to deny groups from freely expressing themselves in the political arena while favoring only those will reflect positively on the great “achievements” of the party in power, when we see a Government that actually fans the flames of racial strife for political gains, when we see an Attorney General actually bemoaning and complaining about the most basic of human rights,  it is not a question of who do we want to shoot but if we are going to have to shoot somebody to maybe keep our Country and even our lives?

And that is a question I beg you not to try to find.

PS: For somebody that wants to fight “an army of haters who seek to destroy the First Amendment” I find this rather ironic:

CSGV Diaz2But we know about “Let’s have a conversation” and “Reasoned Discourse.”


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on ““Who do you want to shoot?””
  1. Never mind that his organization attempted to silence pro-gun activists through intimidation and thuggery by publishing names, locations and work information.

  2. You can report this video to Youtube as “hate speech”. Here’s what I said:

    As licensed gun owner I am offended by the suggestion that I “want to shoot” someone. Suggesting that anyone would want to shoot my local sheriff, my mayor, my governor, or anyone is unbelievable. This video is misleading, hateful, and inciting of violence.

  3. Interesting.

    First off, Tom Diaz intentionally baited the reader to get just this response. Don’t fall for it.

    Secondly, his “reasonable discourse” falls quickly to the wayside with his almost immediate ad hominem attack on the reader, and his exclusive use of emotive story telling in a failed attempt to increase his credibility. His use of pathos (my father this, I’ve smelt that…) is typical of those that try to evoke emotions that have little to do with the issues at hand.

    If my local library has any of his books, I might read them to see if there is any substance behind this man and meat to his arguments beyond the ad hominem.

  4. What evidence is there that the comment he’s raging about is even a legit gun owner? It wouldn’t be the first time for these people to use false flags to ‘prove’ their narrative and justify whatever they are trying to push.
    I call BS, no legitimate gun owner would have made that post, Diaz got trolled, or it’s all a setup.

  5. Miguel:
    “Those of us who have seen violence up and close and have lived with the consequences know it is NOT a thing to do lightly.”

    FTFY. Don’t want anything taken out of context. 🙂

  6. Now that I’ve actually watched that steaming pile of vitriol, I’ve got a pointed question for the man who claims to have “enlisted twice, in two different services”:

    What part of “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” do you not understand?

    Let me say something, and I’ll be blunt: When someone puts their name out in public, connected to a political position a lot won’t agree with, he/she WILL get threats. It’s the nature of being IN public with a political position a lot won’t agree with. If that offends or upsets you, don’t put your name out in public connected to a disagreeable political stance. It’s “common sense”.

    He got one anonymous threat. Whoopee. George Zimmerman has received thousands, some actually credible, and he hasn’t deliberately connected himself to ANY political movement (3rd parties making those connections notwithstanding). I’m sure Wayne LaPierre – who he says “mobilized an army of haters who seek to destroy the First Amendment” – also receives thousands of anonymous threats.

    But all of that is an aside to the two most glaring parts of Mr. Diaz’s cognitive dissonance: his failure to allow comments, discussion, or dissenting opinions on a video he claims is against enemies of First Amendment rights; and his clear violation of an oath he took not once, but twice.

  7. Be sure to flag the video on youtube and it’ll be pulled down.
    They do it – time for us to use it, too.
    Spread the word – flag this tripe for what it is and remove it from infecting anyone who may stumble across it.

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