In case you missed the story, actor Rick Moranis was sucker-punched in NYC this morning.

By this afternoon, the NYPD released a photo of the suspect.

I don’t want to sound like a sarcastic asshole but apparently what it takes for the NYPD to give a fuck about some piece-of-shit hoodlum cold-cocking a Jew on the streets of New York is for the victim to be a beloved celebrity.

Maybe if they did something the first few dozen times it happened, Rick Moranis would have been spared.


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By J. Kb

17 thoughts on “Who you gonna call?”
  1. Moranis should check his privilege. It was completely unprogressive of him to call the police and put the POC in danger of his life over a few bruises. /sarcasm

  2. In defense, Moranis is something of an exception to the Hollyweird set. He basically quit acting after his wife died to focus on raising his kids (and let’s be honest; between Ghostbusters and Honey I Shrunk the Kids, he was not hurting for money).

    Only recently, with his kids grown, has he begun looking to do anything again.

    What doesn’t surprise me is that, lo and behold it’s yet another pee-oh-see suffering Sudden Spastic Rage and randomly punching some person. And when they pick this piece of shit up he will be completely confused as to why, because in his damaged brain it’s okay to spaz out and try to cold-cock a total stranger.

    I’m sorry. I hope he resists arrest and saves us the cost of a trial. I know that probably makes me a bad guy, and I won’t blame Miguel or Jkb if they chew my ass out over that remark.

    1. It’s not really cool, but it’s understandable given human nature and the sense of frustration and anger that comes from seeing all this unjust, ridiculous, mendacious, suicidal behavior. I see a lot of people who talk about “wiping out all the Democrats” and “the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat”, but I console myself with the fact that they are probably only venting, and that if you actually handed them a 100ft of rope and said “okay, here’s 50 Democrats, male and female, arms bound and mouths gagged, crying in terror and bruised and beaten, eyes starting; their children are all watching from over there. Now, start stringing them up”, most of them would suddenly change their minds.UNLESS they were part of a mob, which is capable of any kind of horrific behavior, and which encourages people to participate from a sense of peer pressure, lack of personal responsibility and other mob mechanics.
      So it’s easy to SAY and even FEEL that you wish the guy would just be shot, but IRL if you actually had to watch him dying in front of you, blood pooling on the street, it would probably be harder. And hard on the police too, whatever the leftists say about their going around murdering people for the fun of it.

      1. This is a remarkable comment. I have never heard anything like these statements that you see a lot of anywhere in real life or on the internet. How is it possible that you think the threat of violence in our society comes from the right? Who is burning our cities?

      2. I don’t see a lot of that “the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat” talk on any of the comment boards I visit. I don’t see it at all, actually. I don’t know where you hang, obviously, but the rhetoric I see is more directed at getting the Ds to leave the country, which to me is a sensible option given the myriad options the Ds have for their desired totalitarian state vs our one option of desired freedom. It is always the Ds talking about camps and death for about anyone outside theIr mindhive. Always. The right is not the problem.

        1. I do see some of it – directed at Democrat politicians. Which changes the character of the statement considerably, imo.

          Because people don’t stop bad behavior until their character changes or they face actual, personal consequences for it. And when it comes to trying to overthrow the Constitution….

      3. And I quote:

        Me-first capitalists who think you can separate society from business are going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution. I’ll happily provide video commentary.

        — dick costolo (@dickc) October 1, 2020

        Dick Costolo is former CEO of Twitter, a man of the left, looking for blood.

      4. Maybe.

        But my compassion and willingness to stay my hand are not infinite, and they have been eroded substantially over the last several years.

        When those hit zero, don’t expect me to show much interest when the helicopter rides start.

      5. Where are you hanging out at? I’ve seen a lot more of those kind of statements coming from the left.

    2. I have nothing bad to say about Rick Moranis. He is a wonderful man. He said after his wife died that he had more than enough money if he was responsible and that he realized how important family was so he stepped away from acting. He did a little voice over work time and again. My sarcastic attack was on the NYPD who have ignored all the Jews getting punched in the face the last few years. Had this not been Rick Moranis and just some random Jewish guy, I doubt the NYPD would have reacted so fast, if at all, to put the attacker’s photo out there. I don’t want it to seem like I’m criticizing Moranis and any way.

  3. On a not completely unrelated note, WNYC’s public radio show Radiolab just released an episode called “no special duty.” It will surprise no longtime readers, I am sure, that the police have no duty to protect any given member of the public.

    But one of the people they talked to in NYC said he wanted to see the NY gun laws changed as soon as he learned this was the case.

    Parts are hard to listen to – hearing about a couple of famous cases’ details – but it’s worth it. Not your typical NPR.

  4. So a black guy sneaks up behind a white guy and sucker-punches him. Isn’t there a term for that?

    1. If you’re thinking “hate crime”, then you don’t understand that hate crimes go in only one direction.

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