By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Why? Because I am evil.”
  1. Too much work for too little meat. Give me a brisket or 2, smoked for 8 to 12hrs over pecan or red oak. Oh.. wait that’s what I’m doing on Memorial Day weekend. That along with some chicken and sausage. But brisket is the thing.

  2. Sorry. your attempt to be evil. doesn’t affect me Miguel. See..I’ve been slow cooking small briskets since ohhh…last week or the week before. Did one yesterday as a matter of fact. came out awesome. Be finished eating it in the next day or so. Throw in the odd well seasoned, pot cooked chicken that literally kind of explodes into pieces in the pot when you try to use tongs to pick up the bird? Oh and I had memphis style dry rub ribs the other day when my sis and I took mom out to dinner. Sorry…your attempt at evil and making everyone drool fails miserably in my case. Nice try though. Keep working on it.

    1. Chicken??? You dare to mention the most foul of fowls in my Blog? I demand a duel! Mesquite Chunks at 40 paces!

      I am sorely lacking on Beef BBQin. previous attempts were less than gratifying. I’ll eventually get it but ticks me off to waste good meat,

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