Allow me to introduce to you Broward County’s Markham Park.

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Markham Park is a rarity in South Florida: it has a gun range that has up to 100 yards available! Stop snickering, down here is a big deal that we have a place at all. But beside the range, the place is gorgeous for jogging, biking, grilling, fishing, all the things you want to do in a park. It has an RC field for those with planes and other contraptions, an observatory and an RV park to boot.

Last week I went over there to zero a couple of guns. When I got almost to the entrance, I see an infernal line of vehicles trying to get in and the explanation :COVID vaccination.  after a few choice words, I turned around and went home.

Now, allow me to explain the choice words: I had checked their website and it said nothing about the vaccinations or anything else. I would have loved to have some sort of instructions on how to get to the range and avoid the craziness, but not a zip. I tried to call… nope. I emailed asking for help… bupkis.

And the I found out that they shut down the whole effing park. They shut down 669 acres of park to do the same job a supermarket chain is doing without having to close down the cereal aisle or any aisle whatsoever.

I fear the reason the park is shut is simply because the geniuses of the health department chose a big location with only one solitary entrance and exit and they simply got overwhelmed with the traffic which spills all the way to I-595. But DeSantis is evil because he manages to create several dozen vaccination locations per county that do not clash with common sense.

Oh well, that is the taxpayer’s money at waste

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Why DeSantis is right about the vaccine distribution.”
  1. Man, Markham Park brings back memories. I used to camp there as a Boy Scout and it’s where my dad and I would go shooting. Some of my best bits of childhood were spent there.

  2. Hmm… It’s been like that since at least the ’80s.

    Anytime there is a large event or holiday weekend it is a madhouse trying to get in.

    I second the idea of a zeroing period.

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