My Mother-In-law had to be taken to the hospital where she spent 3 days under “professional” care. This was one of their wristbands warning about her allergies.

How the fuck do you misspell codeine and have an alleged medical certificate of some sort that allows you to work with patients? And since she was checked up in a regular basis, how come nobody else said “Oh shit, that is awful. let me change that.”

And before you complain I am exaggerating, tell me how much confidence would you have on an “expert” in our field of interest saying stuff like Kolt revolvers, Sig Sour, Level action rifle or similar.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Why do I have a healthy aversion to Hospitals?”
  1. 50% of all humans suffer a below average IQ. Diversity means those people cannot be filtered out of positions of responsibility any longer and we all must share the costs to mankind, society, and culture.

  2. In their defense, that is one word that doesn’t follow the “ie/ei” rules:

    “I before e except after c or when sounded like “ay” as in neighbor or weigh”.

    Unfortunately, the word is of French origin and doesn’t follow the rules of English grammar.

    Granted, I’m not a medical professional, but I’d likely spell it wrong too…at least until spellcheck underlined it in red for me: a feature sadly lacking on plastic wristbands.

    1. Codeine is not an obscure medication rarely seen or heard of in hospitals. That is several times a day every day shit. By the end of the first week working at any medical location, you should have it memorized.

  3. For starters, >90% of the time, it’s registration workers, with no medical training whatsoever and anything from a GED on up, who usually write those wristbands.

    If you want, I can share a Greatest Hits album of patients illiterate in two or more languages, including their mother tongue.

    Ponder, for example, the chief complaint Top Ten winner: “Sour Trout”.

    Just saying. 😉

  4. Second Aesop’s thought.

    And, for bonus points, the nurses, clinicians, etc rarely have the time to hunt up Jane-Bob, and correct her.

    Which, if they *did* have the time, would *never* put them in the cross hairs of the Vice President Of Inclusion, right?

  5. To be fair, it could be dyslexia, and the reason the other workers didn’t care is because they’re used to it.

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