Of all the suspension of disbelief in movies, I can’t get over bad economics.

Christmas toy maker invents sentient AI or wingless heavier than air flight or some other ground breaking technology and he put it in a toy.


The sequel is some guy turing that toy into a multi billion dollars weapon system, which in reality is where that technology started before getting adopted into a toy.


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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Why engineers can’t watch Christmas movies”
  1. Toy, weapon system, what’s the difference?
    “It went ZAP when it fired, and cursed when it missed, and WHIRR as it took aim…”
    Seen on USENET, long eons ago, and never forgotten.

  2. The typical fig leaf is that the toymaker is a Good, Peaceful Person who is more into the Joy Of Children over Weapons of Destruction; and it’s the Evil Corrupt Corporate Executives Greedy For Money And Carnage who want to Profit By Making Weapons.

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