Miguel beat me to the post with the news but there is more video on social media.


Miguel is right, that looks like a pogrom.  Identifying the Jews and beating them up.

There are almost no Jews in Iran today because they were all driven out by Muslims after the formation of Israel.

It seems like it is happening again to them.  Being attacked and driven out by Muslims because of Israel.

I have not seen anything from the national media on this or a comment from the Governor of California or the President, and I don’t expect to.

The Anti-Asian condemnation was heard only as long is it could be used against Trump supporters.  The Left does not care if Palestinians beat up Jews in the US, most of them probably want it to happen.

So here we are in America.

Ridiculou inflation and Jews being beaten in the streets.  It’s 1930s Germany all over again.


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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Why I am armed and will only live in a Shall Issue state”
  1. I’d like to hang a mezuzah on my doorframe, but it’s assholes like this that make me hesitant. Then again, hunting over bait is generally frowned upon in my neck of the woods.

  2. Yup.

    And where are the cops protecting the innocent ?

    You gotta protect yourself and your loved ones.

    1. Likely the same place they are when Antifa’s running amok: ordered to stay away and give them “room to destroy”.

  3. Pretty sure that deadly force couldn’t be legally used here.

    Morally…….??? Well, that’s a horse of a different color.

    1. Absolutely sure if you attack me in any way, I will do my best to remove you and however many of your fellow demons as I have ammunition for, as fast as possible. Might I go to jail? Yes, but y’all will still be blowing Satan. .

  4. Shall issue is not enough.

    You need stand your ground.

    Otherwise a democrat DA will charge you, claiming that you could have retreated. And even if in a year or two you are found to be not guilty, your life and your finances are ruined. And then there is a civil trial…

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