From WAFF 48 Huntsville:

Huntsville synagogue vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti

South Huntsville’s Etz Chayim synagogue was vandalized overnight.

The synagogue and it’s property were covered in anti-Semitic messages and graffiti including swastikas.

This was yesterday’s news, so the vandalism took place on the 8th which was the first night of Passover.

This happened again last night to the Chabad.

Second Huntsville synagogue vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti

Huntsville police officers responded to Chabad of Huntsville Friday morning.

Lt. Michael Johnson with the Huntsville Police Department confirmed “disturbing graffiti” was found at the scene.

The vandalism comes just days after south Huntsville’s Etz Chayim synagogue was targeted on Wednesday night with anti-Semitic messages and graffiti including swastikas. Wednesday marked the start of the Passover holiday.

The FBI is joining police in both investigations.

Etz Chayim is the synagogue that hosts the first night of Passover seder that we normally attend when services aren’t shut down for the Coronacrisis.

The piece of shit doing this is probably a coward who would run if he got caught.  But on the off chance that he’s not, is the reason why I carry, especially in Synagogue.

Sometimes it hits very close to home.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Why I carry, it sometimes hits very close to home”
  1. I think that all synagogues should have surveillance cameras. I know it would be ‘after the fact’ to catch whatever scum would do this. Likewise churches. The rise in hatred toward all people who seek God and toward their houses of worship, has become disturbingly common in recent years.

  2. The Chabad ‘synagogue’ (it’s the Rabbi’s house) had cameras, which may lead to the apprehension of the suspected vandal – the camera caught someone in a hoodie and mask. The historic synagogue in town (which has not been vandalized) has cameras (and increased police presence).

    I live in Huntsville and know the Chabad Rabbi, and he’s a great guy; we used to go drinking for Purim together (until I stopped drinking).

  3. It upsets me greatly (please insert cuss words) when this happens. There is a class of sub-humans that seem to think that every crisis is their excuse to vandalize Jewish property.

    This happened to my pacifist friend when Trump was elected. The police had no time to investigate. My lady offered to have us sit in the “redneck truck” all night to guard her home.

    In the end my friend rigged an air siren can with a tripwire trigger. The siren went off that night and she found spray cans and a horrible stink the next morning.

    Regardless, the animals that think it is cool too do this are unlikely to be “white supremacists” and are much more likely to be punks trying to be edgy. Or looking for peer approval.

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