An Imam in California – California, the most populous  state in the United States of America – was videoed calling for the annihilation of Jews from the Mosque pulpit.

Of course the Islamic Center of Davis says the “video was taken out of context.”  Let’s be clear, this is EXACTLY the same religious text that is used in the Middle East to encourage Palestinians to break into Jewish homes and stab parents and grandparents to death during Sabbos.

This is the EXACT same thing they teach therr children, who want to grow up to be martyrs that kill Jews.

The ADL condemned this speech.

With all due respect to the ADL, fuck them.

They are a Progressive, anti-Gun group, that put out more of a reaction to a badly drawn frog meme, and had more condemnation for Ben Carson and his idea that disarming the Jews exacerbated the Holocaust, than it does for an Imam calling for genocide of the Jews in one of the largest Islamic communities in the US.

This is why I gun, and gun hard.

When it comes to my protection from these fanatical murderers,  I trust the product of John Moses Browning more than that of Simon Wiesenthal.  All the condemnation wont stop some Jihadi from stabbing me in my kitchen, 185 grains of copper jacketed lead, moving at 1,150 fps will.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Why I gun”
  1. I’ve heard him called a “moderate Muslim” (or Mooo-slim, as he enunciated it). Another way of saying how mainstream that belief is.

    I’m not Jewish, but if it starts, I’m in the “not on my watch” camp.

    1. How do you tell a moderate from an extremist?

      When beheading an apostate, the extremist wields the sword, the moderate ties on the blindfold.

  2. Not “An imam in California”….

    TWO imams in California have called for annihilating Jews.

    The “defense” of so-called “mis-translation” is particularly interesting. To whit: it’s not the “filth of the Jews”, it’s the “defilement of the Jews”…

    … because that’s so much better. [/sarcasm]

    Count me in SIGraybeard’s camp: I’m not Jewish, but even so, “Not on my watch.”

    My “Never Again” is etched on 150 grains at ~3,100 fps.

  3. Their entire book is a call to attack the Jews and the Christians; an Imam calling for the destruction of Abrahams line is nothing new, but here in these United States is even more horrifying.

    My Grandfathers cousins stayed in Germany and died. They had no arms.

    Here in Texas ,I have the Second Amendment, a rifle and my sidearm. We will never yield.

  4. I do not hate the muslims. They are what they are, just like polar bears are what they are. A danger to be avoided. The ones I hate are those that willingly and knowingly bring them to my country and tell them they do not need to assimilate. Even though we have the examples of France, Britain, and the entire EU. Those that want to destroy my country and Western Civilization are the ones I despise.

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