As Miguel mentioned yesterday, Marquise “Keese” Love was arrested for kicking Adam Haner in the head.

I have no faith that he will pay for his crime.

From Law Enforcement Today:

Convicted pedophile, Antifa member who allegedly stabbed black Trump supporter bailed out in Portland

In late July, a convicted sex offender and Antifa-enthusiast reportedly stabbed a black Trump supporter who was documenting footage of riots in Portland.

Now, the sex offender and alleged stabber in the July case has been bailed out, and sources are pointing to a bail fund established for Antifa militants that aims to get their “comrades” out of jail.

As of August 13th, Hampe was freed from jail after his bond was posted, which was set at $250,000. A GoFundMe account known as the PDX Protest Bail Fund has amassed over $1.3 million in funds made exclusively for bailing out rioters for covering their legal costs.

This guy was arrested for possession of child porn while in a car filled with toys and lube.

Antifa didn’t care that he’s a child rapist who stabbed an elderly black man.

They bailed him out for “fighting a fascist.”

Love kicked a white guy in the head.  They are going to bail him out and give him a fucking medal.

After that, he will probably disappear.

Then there is this from the NY Post:

Most charges against Portland protesters won’t be prosecuted, DA says

Hundreds of Portland, Oregon, protesters arrested during two months of clashes with law enforcement won’t be prosecuted, the city’s district attorney announced.

Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt unveiled the policy change Tuesday regarding hundreds of the 550 protest-related arrests since late May.

Under the new policy, Schmidt’s office will “presumptively decline” to prosecute cases that don’t fit his criteria, including interfering with a peace, parole or probation officer; second-degree disorderly conduct; first- or second-degree criminal trespass; third-degree escape and harassment. Rioting charges will also not be prosecuted unless accompanied by another crime not included in the list, Schmidt said.

I highly suspect that the DA will end up dropping these charges against Love.  If they don’t, they will plead him down to nothing.

There is no chance in hell that a Woke DA in Portland will make a black man serve a day in jail for kicking a white man in the head during a protest.

So as awful as this was to watch, the powers that be in Portland is going to make this go away with minimal punishment for their side.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Why I have no faith in the arrest of Marquis Love”
  1. Well, if they want vigilante justice, that is one way to ensure that they get vigilante justice. Just sayin’

  2. Don’t get despondent because someone got bailed out. In most states, every crime short of murder carries the right to be bailed out, and in some states, murder does, too.
    The thing about the “bail fund” that’s being used for these rioters is, if the rioters show up in court, the “bail fund” gets its money back. If the rioters abscond, the bail money is forfeited, and there’s a lot of money at risk. Wait till they get to court. As someone else said, this case is too high-profile to just go away.

  3. The real villains here are not Pedo Hampe and Cold Cocking Love. They are tools, in many definitions of the word.

    Some certain select elitist people have methodically decided to subvert the rule of law, to deny equal justice, and to treasonously ignore their very Oaths of Office. Those people are the villains. They allow and even encourage this violent mayhem and terrorism to keep occurring day after day.

    If they honestly did their jobs and worked for the safety and security of all their citizens, this all would have fizzled out months ago.

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