We need to support Cuomo at all costs. He needs to remains as the duly elected governor of New York for no other reason than he is making look almost every Republican Governor good.
With Cuomo still seated in Albany, the Democrats cannot engage in attacks against Governors like Abbot and DeSantis without looking like bigger idiots than usual. DeSantis was accused by the “Doctor” nutjob of fudging the COVID death numbers, but at the endo of the day it was Cuomo’s people who actually did that. While Cuomo instituted very regulated and restricted vaccine protocols and locations, DeSantis has pretty much allowed any pharmacy with trained staff in the state to deliver the vaccine. While the economy of the Empire State has taken major blows due to the unnecessary shutdown, and will need substantial congressional pork (paid by us!) to come out of it. DeSantis mitigated that economic impact by not transforming the state into a mandatory wasteland. And after all the fuck ups, Cuomo is above the law with nobody having the balls to call for an investigation, while Desperately Seeking Nomination Nikki Fried is asking the FBI to investigate DeSantis because she does not like the vaccine distribution campaign.
So yes, say it loudly: I SUPPORT GOVERNOR CUOMO!
While the economy of the Empire State has taken major blows due to the unnecessary shutdown, and will need substantial congressional pork (paid by us!) to come out of it. DeSantis mitigated that economic impact by not transforming the state into a mandatory wasteland.
The bailout of Cuomo’s horribly mismanaged New York and the other blue states is in the “Covid Relief Bill” the senate just passed. On strict party line vote, of course, just like in the House where it came from.
In other words, f*cking up your state is now fixed by taxing people in other states. You might call that “taxation without representation” which I swear I’ve heard before.
To the Dems, it’s win-win. They keep control of those states they can skim money from, and they can tax the people that left that state for the better-managed red states. Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee says, Tennessee is going to pay $164 million for doing the right thing while Florida and Georgia are going to lose over $1.2 billion each and Alabama is going to lose about $900 million. All for being well-managed.
I think it goes a bit deeper than that. Several of the slave states — California, NY, and Illinois in particular — have severe budgetary issues stemming from their generous public-sector pension plans (California has it REALLY bad).
This was another reason for the Dems to shove Trump out by hook or by crook, because none of them wanted Trump writing the terms of any bailout for a state.
So this makes it easy to bail said states out, and it gigs the free states as well. Like you said, though, win win for the Dems.
“We need to support Cuomo at all costs.”
I live in NY, and I agree wholeheartedly. I want him defiant, furious, and hurling punches at all of those in the Democratic party who he feels have betrayed him. He’s up for election in 2022, he’s stated he wants to run again, and with even Democrats getting sick of his insanity, he’ll be an incredibly weak incumbent. This is the only chance the NY GOP has to win back the Governorship. If Cuomo steps down, Lt. Gov Kathy Hochul takes over, and she’s an incompetent fool from upstate. The Democrats won’t allow her to run in 2022. They’ll insert current AG Tish James, who will ultimately be a far, far worse Governor than Cuomo, but she’ll win in a landslide because every woke Democrat in New York will vote for her not based on the content of her character, but on the color of her skin and gender.
So go Andrew, go! Crush your enemies! See them driven before you! Hear the lamentations of their women!
Isn’t the lamentations of his women part of the reason he’s in the mess he’s in?
The 1.9T Covid19 bill just passed by the US Senate has 360B in state, city and local funding. Or should I say bailouts. There is zero incentive for states and cities to not continue gov’t largess including outrageous payroll, pensions and waste. The Democrats are looting (printing) the Treasury and you and I are on the hook for higher taxes and dilution of the USD. This makes me angry.