I subscribe to two newspapers: The Tennessean based out of Nashville  and the Daily News Journal that covers Murfreesboro. And to answer your why, is because where else the politics of the other side are going to be available for reading? Both publications are owned by the Ultra Liberal/Anti Gun Gannet Corporation and if you read Lee Williams, you are pretty much informed about their politics.

Neither one of the papers is conservative, but I am guessing you’d be suspecting that. So I know to filter the info through the appropriate decoder rings and not expecting much in the manner of facts.  I will begin with The Tennessean and then transition to the DNJ and since they are both nearby papers owned by the same master, you will fins a lot of duplicated articles.

And that brings us to today’s festivities. I initially saw this article in The Tennessean and I had to laugh at the “Democrats and civil rights groups call the map unfair” thinking that would also have to apply to Dr. King’s quote about the content of character.   Then I went to the DNJ, glanced over the same article, dismissed it and continued to other pages, but in the back of my mind, a little emergency bell was ringing. I went back and I noticed the crafty difference.

t is the same article written by the same individuals and it has the same design overall, but while The Tennessean’s is a somewhat neutral headline, the DNJ’s hints of something that is shady and mislabeled with the GOP actions.

But it is not something we were not expecting, weren’t we?


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Why we do not trust the Media: Redistricting in North Carolina.”
  1. FWIW, you might consider subscribing to the WSJ. Not so hot on local news, but they are quite good at separating news from opinion. The reporting is reasonably neutral. The editorial pages very much are not. They do have a few token liberal columnists, including an “economist” (apparently a university professor) with the extremely appropriate family name “Blinder”.

  2. I get the news press over here on the west coast and they used the same headline as the DNJ. I also get the USA today as part of my subs and they will run the same story at times, today they did not.

  3. They don’t produce a print version (digital only), but “The Tennessee Star” has an excellent website. They have a much more conservative take on the region’s news. tennesseestar dot com They are out of Nashville.

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