If it is any indication, the followers of the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence are not the brightest color in the Unicorn Farting Rainbow.
I wondered what state demands background checks and psych evaluations to drive a car, so I checked her info:
Arizona does not require all that crap to get a drivers license. What truly amazed me is that she went to Rutgers Law which is supposed to be a good law school. And yet Ms. Wagner has not figured out the laws of Arizona regarding the issue of a Drivers License. Tuition at Rutgers Law is $34,010 for non-resident, do I smell another wasted student loan here?
But I would like to recommend Ms. Wagner to Ladd & Co. so she can be part of their legal team,
Not only that, but AZ drivers licenses do not require renewal until you reach age 65 (although I think you are required to update your picture every 10 years or so). Had I remained in AZ, mine would have been valid for 20 years or so.
And you didn’t go to Rutgers either, right? š
In Virginia, I had to know how to drive and road signs, etc… not a psych exam. So it should be the same with a gun. Mandatory training by the local NRA or other organization?
I read this post and in the back of my mind I heard Michael Kelso screaming “Burn!”
And as you well know, felons can get a drivers license and own a car.
From what i’ve read at the CSGV, they say Zimmerman really didn’t break any laws, but he broke laws that should be there… some 1984 stuff right there.
And if they get their race war, i promise, that Inner city black folk aren’t going to take it out on inner city white folk, before they hang some suits off of lamp post.
When I was 12 I bought my own motor vehicle. Paid cash I’d earned. No ID. No registration. Drove it, legally, without a license. Could do it all again tomorrow if I wanted. You can get youth models off the shelf at Wal-Mart. Electrics for the greenies. Or maybe just make one. They’ve got books at the library, written for “children,” showing how to do it.
When I was 16 I got a full time job and bought a beater Porsche 356 from an unlicensed private seller. There was no government involvement in this transaction at all. Gave him the money, he signed the pink slip and I transported it home; open carry.
So, yeah, I’d like to go out and do a bit of hand gun shopping on the same terms.
Goofballs call it a murder? What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
And then there’s the little matter of the six witnesses who say “Trayvon” (let us guess, he was a “diverse urban yoot” who “dint do nuffin,” right?) had dragged the shooter out of his car and was attempting to beat him to death when he finally got the gutful of copper jacketed candy he’d been begging for. Which is why the cops haven’t arrested the shooter. The local press has mentioned this inconvenient detail in a number of stories, but the national media is bound and determined to create an early summer riot. It also makes wonderful agitprop to mobilize the Free Shit Army just in time for the elections too, if their anger can be kept at just the right fever pitch.
Not that any number of witnesses are going to be able to save the shooter. This was a righteous shooting in self-defense but his ass is grass. He might as well have let “Trayvon” kill him. Eric Holder’s out for his honkey scalp and I predict there will be Federal charges pressed, and multiple trials in defiance of that whole outdated “double jeopardy” thing in the Constitution, which we aren’t going to allow to stand in the way of showing this white motherfucker what happens when you forget your place and try to exercise outdated “rights” that really have no place in a modern country’s constitution. They’re going to try him over and over until they get a jury made up of members of the Free Shit Army and terrified self-hating suburban soccer-moms who will give them the verdict they want, and all you paunchy middle-aged white guys who got a CCW to defend yourselves and your families, yeah, you better pay attention, because this is most definitely a message from the government to you. Remember that the next time some hoodlum named “Trayvon” comes strutting up screaming “gimme ya wallet or I cut you, honkey muhfugga.”
Go crap on someone else’s carpet.
“Studied at” does not always mean “graduated from”.