Because the mystical power shield that churches allegedly have only happen in the movies.
Henry Guyton said he was in the pulpit, preaching about how Jesus spoke the word of God and healed the sick, when Gates kicked open the side door of the sanctuary and entered with the shotgun, pointing it at the pastor and congregation.
Church members, including Aaron Guyton, a concealed weapons permit holder, acted quickly.
Aaron Guyton held Gates at gunpoint, as church members Jesse Smith and Leland Powers held him on the floor and waited for deputies to arrive.
The Crazy and The Evil will always find a way in the Gun Free Zones.
Churches can be very dangerous places. Usually, you have folks engaged in peaceful worship. That makes it ripe pickin’s for whichever anti-zealot is the medias’ flavor of the day .
Please note that the bible and gun clingers’ actions resulted in an arrest…not a death. Maybe bibles and guns AREN’T the problem.
The tradition of being armed in Church is an old one.
I guess two is enough after all. Go figure.
I suspect, Gates would be dead if he’d pulled the trigger.
The one paragraph AP version of this story that ran in my local made no mention of a successful DGU. Now that wouldn’t have been a narrative-driven edit, would it???
Awww, Sarah Brady will come down and cast a circle of protection around your church if you promise to put up a gun-free zone sign. She’ll have to sacrifice two of your children to do it, but hey, at least you don’t defend yourself with a gun.
Is the conclusion being made here that the church goers with concealed guns prevented the gum toting crazy from hurting someone because they carried their guns to church? Why? Am I to conclude that the crazy didn’t shoot anyone because he found himself surrounded by guns? Or was he apprehended in spite of the concealed weapons which weren’t even used. For those churches where the congregation agree to carry guns into service, that’s their business. Me personally, I’m okay with taking my chances – I prefer no guns in church and am okay with my church prohibiting firearms in our building.
I prefer no guns in church and am okay with my church prohibiting firearms in our building.
So do the nutjobs that go to churches to kill people for the hell of it.