Or maybe even taking secret trips to the far East to engage in sex with minors.
I am just waiting for that to happen any time soon. That would be the political kitchen sink.
And the weasel NeverTrump Republicans keep conceding more and more to this assholes.
No single Republican in Congress should address a Democrat as “My esteemed colleague” unless they are fish of the same tank of corruption.
Come November unfortunately we are going to see a brutal shift in Congress towards Blue. And then the GOP should run pink with the slips.
Time we do a house cleaning.
I’m waiting for them to accuse him of sacrificing small children in tunnels under McMartin Preschool
From what I have been reading, the Dems want to take over Congress, after which their goal is to impeach Trump and then Pence, thereby putting the Speaker of the House in the White House.
President Feinstein.
The goal has been a coup since Election Day. The question is will the nation survive.
That would be President Pelousy.
That harridan would probably select Fineswine for VP though.“
Oh Miguel, why did you mention this? There’s a dem spy out there who will read this and now the dems will use it!
Regardless of how much you hate your local RINO, we absolutely MUST maintain a majority in Congress, both the House and the Senate. The majority sets the agenda. If the left gains control, it’s very possible that we may never, ever see a conservative majority in Congress again. They will figure out a way to rig the vote permanently.
As I said before: hold your nose if you must, but vote Republican. Don’t throw away your vote on a protest Libertarian, who won’t have a snowball’s chance in Hell. Don’t abstain from voting, which is a vote for a Democrat Socialist.
Hold you nose, if you must. Vote Republican, if you value your rights.
They keep telling us that, and then Republicans vote in new gun laws anyhow. Sorry, can’t vote for Scott.
Nelson is a known quantity. We know he will vote the wrong way and you can adjust. Scott? We don’t know. Not only he will probably vote against us, the fact that he would be a Republican “Reaching across the aisle and joining to make America safe with common sense gun control” is too much of a PR help to the other side.
Yet that snowball keeps growing bigger in hell.
I don’t disagree strategy wise now, but with almost 10% last election that is significant.
Kamala Harris is now claiming the Brett Kavanaugh Gang Raped her (all by himself?) in the back seat of a car. /sarc
I am waiting for the accusation from another anonymous accuser that Brett Kavanaugh turned her into a Newt. You know it is coming.
I’m very confident that is the shoe was on the other foot we’d be seeing similar things. Well, something similar but of a different subject; sexual misconduct allegations are not are typically Republican thing. Same ferocity and intensity? Doubtful. Same “fair” coverage by the media? No way.
Yesterday I hear npr saying using the sex crime prosecutor to question Ford is “interesting”. You know that if they, a committee of all men, had the gall tocall to question a woman on her rape accusations the Democrats and media would have a fucking anuerysm because it was a bunch of men.
I don’t think so. One reason Democrats do these things is because they know they can get away with it AND it won’t be done back to them. Partly because it’s hard for the other side, without the big media shilling for them. And partly because Republicans, as a group, have not sunk to the level of depravity Democrats have.
Democrats have now Borked at least three times, with ever increasing levels of malice. How many times have Republicans Borked anyone? Don’t mention Garland, he was merely denied a job, not assassinated.
Today there was an op-ed by Karl Rove (well known R operator) in the WSJ. Among other things, he specifically said that Republicans should NOT turn around and do these things when the shoe is on the other foot. I call that pre-emptive disarmament, but in any case it demonstrates the point, and it shows that the two parties are NOT equivalent in this.
[…] Will the Democrats accuse Kavanaugh of trading Child Porn? Or maybe even taking secret trips to the far East to engage in sex with minors. I am just waiting for that to happen any time soon. That would be the political kitchen sink. […]